Author Topic: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?  (Read 18675 times)

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Offline burf151

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CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:46:40 AM »
Hi gang.  I'm having a strange issue with one of my 82s.  In single action, just when you expect the trigger to break it will catch and try to reset the trigger.  The hammer falls part way, and the trigger pushes forward.   It only happens once in a while.  I haven't been able to isolate which part/parts are causing this.  Anybody else have this problem?  Thanks for any input!

Offline bozwell

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 10:45:18 AM »
I know exactly what you're talking about and I still have it from time to time on my 82.  It's basically like it slips from SA into DA - if you stop the trigger before it goes forwards, you can then pull it back and it will break like you were firing in DA mode.  Sorry I don't have any real solutions for you, but I'll be interested to hear what you find.

Offline Midnight_Express

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2012, 09:38:35 PM »
how clean are your pistols? a little grit and gunk can cause this sometimes especially if there's some build-up in the sear, hammer lever and automatic safety area.  there's also a pin (#19) on the right side of the pistol under the grip used to disconnect the trigger bar from the sear if and when the slide is out of battery.  it can cause problems as well. then there's the trigger bar itself and the components it will interact with.  if they get worn the trigger bar will be a little high as it comes back and it will catch the hammer as it tries to fire.

I'm betting part #'s 17,(trigger bar) 19,(disconnector) 21 (auto safety), 24 (trigger bar disconnector) and 28 (hammer lever) are your problem areas, one or more of them is either dirty or has some wear on it keeping them from functioning properly. CZ has five different trigger bar disconnectors (#24) that require/recommend gunsmith installation.  I'm guessing it's a critical area and needs to be right.

without seeing the pistol I would speculate #24 is worn a little, causing #17 to be a little high just as it pushes on the sear, letting it (#17) catch on #28 as the hammer tries to fall. 
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 12:09:43 AM by Midnight_Express »

Offline daytona_knight

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 09:19:29 PM »
Midnight, I think you are on the right track. I had that problem once. Only different symptom was that mine worked OK held 'gangsta' style or upside down but had exactly what the OP described if held upright. I sent an E-mail to the gunsmith on the CZ website and he said it sounded like the trigger bar disconnector needed to be replaced with one with a higher or lower (don't remember which way) number which would require also replacing the rivet (part 25) : gunsmith very highly recommended. I solved the problem by taking the gun back where I got it and returning it.

With mine working OK when held sideways, I now wonder now if that rivet wasn't just loose and letting the trigger bar disconnector flop a little.

Offline bozwell

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 08:23:44 PM »
My problem has that exact same problem daytona where it has the problem when held upright, but doesn't have the problem when held to the side.  I've replaced/had replaced quite a few parts on it now - may need to look into the disconnector as well.  Sadly, I already have more money into this 82 than a new (used) 82 would cost.  I really dread having to pay the shipping and FFL costs yet again to have it looked at for this problem.  On the other hand, there's no way I trust a gun where the SA trigger reverts to a DA trigger pull depending on how the gun is held.

Offline geen

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 02:25:30 PM »
Have you checked to see if your sear spring (part # 30) is installed correctly? This can cause the gun to drop into DA when it should be in SA. The issue can be intermittent as the sear will set up correctly sometimes and how you hold the gun will cause gravity to put the sear in the right place. Search this site for how too hints and links to websites. If you push up on the auto safety and it does not have any tension this might be you problem. you can check for sure by taking the slide off and looking down the hole in part 20 (ejector) and if you can see then end of the spring (looks like a little piece of wire) then it is not installed correctly. The end of the spring can also pop out on the chamber side of the ejector. I had the problem with both of my two 82s and the sear spring was the issue both times.
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Offline Midnight_Express

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2012, 02:55:56 AM »
geen, thanks.  I actually forgot about the sear spring, could very well be the issue too.  you would think as troublesome as it is to get them installed correctly I would remember that little guy.

Offline fullerb1

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2012, 05:11:14 PM »
Ok my 82 has been acting a little weird too. With no Mag in  dry firing in DA it works well when I use my left hand but not my right hand.
When I pull the trigger right handed, the hammer goes all the way back and stays there unless I really wrap my finger around the trigger and put pressure on the left side of it.

I actually was intending taking it completely apart today and got as far as the trigger guard. Then just for fun (while debating whether I was really capable of dissassembly reassembly of this pistol) started pulling the trigger and everything was working just right.

So to be clear, at this point the slide is off, the grips are off, and the trigger guard is off the pistol. and everything is functioning correctly with the trigger and hammer. Now, when I put the trigger guard back on I am having the same issues with the trigger and hammer as before. Trigger guard off, everything functions perfectly, trigger guard on, it doesn't. The gun is clean and well lubed. I hope that this makes sense. I can try to explain it better.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this??
I have a CZ and some other guns.
I really want to have more. That's not a bad thing.

Offline Midnight_Express

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2012, 06:04:23 PM »
Ok my 82 has been acting a little weird too. With no Mag in  dry firing in DA it works well when I use my left hand but not my right hand.
When I pull the trigger right handed, the hammer goes all the way back and stays there unless I really wrap my finger around the trigger and put pressure on the left side of it.

I actually was intending taking it completely apart today and got as far as the trigger guard. Then just for fun (while debating whether I was really capable of dissassembly reassembly of this pistol) started pulling the trigger and everything was working just right.

So to be clear, at this point the slide is off, the grips are off, and the trigger guard is off the pistol. and everything is functioning correctly with the trigger and hammer. Now, when I put the trigger guard back on I am having the same issues with the trigger and hammer as before. Trigger guard off, everything functions perfectly, trigger guard on, it doesn't. The gun is clean and well lubed. I hope that this makes sense. I can try to explain it better.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this??

the only thing I can think of that the trigger guard would interfere with would be the slidestop spring (#42 above).  it may be getting pressed into the trigger when the guard is in place.

Offline fullerb1

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2012, 07:57:53 AM »
Thanks ME. I will gird myself to disassemble and take a look.
I have a CZ and some other guns.
I really want to have more. That's not a bad thing.

Offline burf151

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2012, 10:17:23 PM »
I fixed my problem by replacing the trigger bar and hammer lever.  Something about the relationship of these parts was the culprit.  The original hammer lever was really sloppy fit to the hammer.

Offline JoePfeiffer

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2013, 03:07:59 PM »
While this is an antique thread, it looks like the topic that's most relevant to me -- I'm having exactly the problem described here, and have replaced all the parts mentioned except the trigger bar disconnector.  Do I infer correctly that the different parts available affect how the trigger bar moves back, with a higher number corresponding to the trigger bar being lower (and hence less likely to contact the hammer lever)?  Is the number marked on the trigger bar disconnector anywhere?  If it is, I haven't seen it -- I haven't drilled the rivet to get it off yet...

Offline JoePfeiffer

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2013, 09:53:54 PM »
I've tracked down what was causing this problem on my CZ-82, and since I haven't seen a post with all the relevant information in one place I'm going to write one.

Starting off, here's how the firing mechanism works (numbers refer to the numbering in the instruction manual):

Pulling the trigger (14) pushes the trigger bar (17) back.  As it goes back, it in turn pushes on three things:  the sear (29), the automatic (hammer block) safety (21), and the hammer lever (28).  The automatic safety has no further relevance, so I won't be mentioning it again.

Whether the hammer lever or the sear is relevant depends on whether you are in double action or single action.  In double action, the trigger bar pushes the hammer lever, which in turn pushes the hammer (26) back.  As the trigger bar goes back, it is forced downward by the trigger bar disconnector (24).  At some point it slips off the hammer lever, which releases the hammer and the pistol fires.

In single action, the hammer is already cocked and the hammer lever is unimportant.  The trigger bar pushes against the sear, which release the hammer to fire.

The "drops into double action" problem arises when the trigger bar hasn't been forced downward far enough by the trigger bar disconnector by the time the sear is released.  In this case, the hammer only goes forward a little bit, and the hammer lever is caught by the trigger bar.  When this happens, the pistol reverts to double action.

This can be caused by either a worn trigger bar or a worn trigger bar disconnector (and I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that various pins could wear and put enough slop in the trigger bar that they could cause it as well).  Most of the people reporting the problem seem to have eventually found a worn trigger bar.  In my case, it was a worn trigger bar disconnector.

The difference between the five trigger bar disconnectors available is in how quickly they force the trigger bar down (and hence where the gun fires).  A lower number means it fires earlier.  I ordered one of each trigger bar disconnector and two rivets (25), and kept trying different trigger bar disconnectors until I found one that would fire single action reliably (this is obviously a real YMMV, but in my case it was #3).  You'll want to be very careful keeping them separate; there are no marks distinguishing them and the difference in their contours is so slight as to be invisible to the eye -- it's only a couple of thousanths of an inch.

To try the various trigger bar disconnectors, I just put the rivet through the frame and put the trigger bar disconnector over it and held it with my fingers while I worked the trigger (note that it's a lot easier to position the trigger bar disconnector when the safety has been removed).  The trigger bar disconnector and rivet are a very tight fit -- it's almost, but not quite, an interference fit.  Once I thought I had the right one I taped it down with painter tape and tried the trigger a few more times; then I peened the rivet, tried it a few more times, reassembled the pistol and took it to the range.

Anyway, I hope this saves somebody else the money I spent on parts that seemed a bit worn but had nothing to do with the problem!
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 12:43:57 PM by JoePfeiffer »

Offline il.bill

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2013, 08:51:01 AM »
Thanks for the clear explanation, and I am glad you got it figured out - talk about a job well done!  I hope it is OK that I copied your post and saved it in a .TXT file in my CZ82 folder for future reference.

One question:  what did you use to temporarily hold the trigger bar disconnector(s) in place while
trying each different length to test for reliable function, before permanently installing the rivet to hold the proper sized one?

Offline JoePfeiffer

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Re: CZ-82 trigger problem -anyone else having it?
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2013, 12:42:39 PM »
Oh, of course!  I put it up for people to make any use they want to of it.

I've edited the post to correct some typos and awkward wording, and also to add the information about how I held the trigger bar disconnector in place.