Author Topic: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?  (Read 13077 times)

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Offline PsychJoe

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2012, 09:48:13 AM »
I'm going with the sp01 tactical out of the two because of the light rail. Having a light attached may be nice if it's dark in your house. I think I may prefer cocked and locked as well, but it's hard to mess up underst stress with the decocker.

Offline Dekkan

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2012, 02:45:04 PM »
Good Choice!
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Offline Skookum

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2012, 08:35:03 PM »
Regarding a railed pistol, doesn't an attached light or laser just show the bad guy where to aim?
Browning Challenger III, .22 Long Rifle, Glossy Blue
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CZ 75 Compact, 9 Luger, Dual Tone — Satin Nickel/Matte Blue
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Offline jeep45238

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2012, 08:46:03 PM »
Pull the trigger.  Unless you're on a super secret squirrel mission, it's a straw man argument.

Offline Mad Macs

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2012, 11:03:34 PM »
Regarding a railed pistol, doesn't an attached light or laser just show the bad guy where to aim?

I've got a rail light with a strobe on it, it's so bright and when it flashes on strobe you can't even stand glancing at it, much less staring at it long enough to shoot the person holding it.
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo Tone
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Offline czechyoself

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2012, 01:37:36 AM »
Regarding a railed pistol, doesn't an attached light or laser just show the bad guy where to aim?

A better way to look at it is, never shoot what you can't see clearly. With night sights you could get the barrel lined up straight ahead but you may never see if the threat is real, a family member, the dog walking on his hind legs, etc. A mounted light on a nightstand gun is very smart.

Plus like someone else said, consider your eyes. When you're sneaking around in a pitch black house (like a bad guy), your pupils are dilated and any bright light will temporarily blind you. Your first reaction will be to look away or cover your eyes, even if you are scared/tense/hopped up on goofballs.

Offline Czeetah

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2012, 02:16:15 AM »
.... even if you are scared/tense/hopped up on goofballs.

Goofballs are barbiturates (depressants)
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Offline Skookum

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2012, 05:05:12 AM »
Regarding a railed pistol, doesn't an attached light or laser just show the bad guy where to aim?

I've got a rail light with a strobe on it, it's so bright and when it flashes on strobe you can't even stand glancing at it, much less staring at it long enough to shoot the person holding it.

Won't the strobe blind you, too?  If not, is a strobe good enough to get a good sight picture on the bad guy?
Browning Challenger III, .22 Long Rifle, Glossy Blue
CZ 83, 9 Browning Court, Satin Nickel
CZ 75 Compact, 9 Luger, Dual Tone — Satin Nickel/Matte Blue
CZ 82, 9 Makarov, Czechoslovak People's Army Black
CZ 83, 7.65 Browning, Glossy Blue
Beretta 3032 Tomcat, .32 Auto, Inox

Offline danwdooley

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2012, 09:19:47 AM »
I know everyone will have a different opinion on this and so what I'm saying is just MY opinion so don't shoot me,  LOL

Night sights may  be cool but I personally have no interest in having them on my defense weapon.   Others may want them, and that's fine.  Just not me.  I do have the white dots painted on my front and rear sights.  Fine.  They're not glow in the dark and in very low light they are highly visible.  In the dark they are NOT visible.  So what good are they if they're not visible in the dark?  Let's put it this way.  If I can't see my sights because it's too dark, I'm not going to be able to see the BG.  So even if I have night sights which may glow in the dark, how am I going to line them up on a target I can't see?  Again, folks, this is just my opinion and I am not intending to tell anyone else what they should do, so humor me just a little.   :o

I have tested it out.  I've walked into semi-dark to dark rooms within my house trying to simulate the conditions I might be faced with a home invasion.  When the light level is just enough that I can see an object I have designated as representing an intruder, and see that object as an area of dark against the background, you know the level of light I'm talking about, at this time I can still see the white painted dots.  When it is darker and dark to the point where I can no longer see the white dots, at this point, I cannot see the target object at all.  So I am saying that the loss of visibility of the target will occur well before the loss of visibility of the sights is lost.  So even with the most high-tech night sights, you may still see the sights but you will not see the target to line the sights on.

Now a different type of vision and aiming has to come into play.  Remember, you are in YOUR world.  Not the bad guy's world.  You know the layout of your house.  He does not.  You know if a slightly darker than the background object is the standup mirror of a dresser, a table lamp or the head of an intruder which is creating a darker spot against the wall where you know nothing should otherwise be.  That is, while you can still see anything at all.

Of course we know that unless you live in a cave, you're never going to be in total darkness in you own home but the shapes are going to be rather indistinct so even if you see something, you're not going to have a distinct target you can center on with any sights.  You don't want to be changing the focus of your eyes to place the front sight on the target like you will do at the range.  The instant you do that, you have lost the image of the target in the darkness.

This is where I believe you have to learn the pointing aim.  When you are pointing the gun, you won't see the gun.  I know, I'm going to be jumped on for that statement but bear with me.  How many of you were taught how to see targets in darkness?  I presume they still do that even in Army basic training.  It was sure stressed and practiced when I was wearing the uniform.  If you're in the dark and you see an object (try it in your bedroom at night), let's say a lamp standing on the dresser on the other side of the room.  Stare at it for a few seconds.  Remember, it represents a BG and you want to keep your eyes on him so you can draw a bead on him.  Stare at that lamp for a few seconds and it will disappear.  You will no longer see it.   What I was trained to do was to sweep the field.  the optics of the eye are such that for night vision, a little off centre is going to be the most sensitive and thus able to pick up what cannot be seen with the optic cells (the term is escaping me right now) in the centre of the eye.  Sweep the eyes around that lamp to the left and to the right but never landing on it directly and it will be visible.  It's been many decades since I was taught this but it is still instinctual to me.  Not that I'm seeing bad guys in my house all the time (thank God, I never have) but just maneuvering around if I want to go into the kitchen for a drink of water in the night without turning on the lights.

Now with that, how are you going to line up a three point sight aim on what will disappear from your vision if you look at it for more than a few seconds?  You aren't.  At least I don't think so.  But if you can "see" the target this way, can you point your finger at it and have your finger be right on the target?  Yes.  If I can point my finger at the target, and my brain without my conscious help seems to know how to do this, my gun should point where my finger does.

Again, my disclaimer.  Just my thoughts and training.  As the old car commercial said, "your mileage may vary."   8)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 09:33:46 AM by danwdooley »

Yes, the CZ-82 is my favorite gun.  :-)

Offline Mad Macs

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2012, 09:22:58 AM »
Regarding a railed pistol, doesn't an attached light or laser just show the bad guy where to aim?

I've got a rail light with a strobe on it, it's so bright and when it flashes on strobe you can't even stand glancing at it, much less staring at it long enough to shoot the person holding it.

Won't the strobe blind you, too?  If not, is a strobe good enough to get a good sight picture on the bad guy?

Think spotlight, not omni-directional.  I'm not looking at the light, I'm pointing it at something.

I've never shot with the strobe going, but it would be good training.  I've shot my SP-01 Shadow with the light attached to get used to the weight, but never in a dark environment with the light going.
CZ 75 Shadow T Duo Tone
CZ 75 Shadow
CZ P-09
Dan Wesson PM-7

Offline JimThornTX

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2012, 11:27:39 AM »
I don't own a SP-01 but I personally like the decocker in my P-01. I have no problems chambering a round and then pressing the decocking level to put the gun in half-cocked mode. This way I have a choice of either pulling the trigger DA style or manually cocking the hammer and pulling the trigger SA style.

My Ruger P95 has a manual safety. I chamber a round then manually let the hammer all the way down. I don't like leaving the Ruger "cocked and locked". Given the choice, I prefer decocker over manual safety for home defense and personal carry.
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Offline 1SOW

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2012, 11:23:10 PM »
I'm a little off the thread topic, using a light on or off the rail:
USPSA Matches and other venues sometimes have "night shoots".  You don't have to be a member to go.  Do it.
It can be an interesting learning experience.

My first one, I  wore a "Head Band Light"-- a really bright one!  I could clearly see both the front sight and a 12 yard target when I checked it out before the match.   At the match, every time I moved past a white wall or light colored background, I was almost blinded due to the light reflecting back. A window glass could ruin your vision.  A mirror.......well it wouldn't be good.

I'm not saying to dump using the various lights.  I'm saying to practice in your home with it.   While you may know every nook and cranny of your home, at night with a pistol and a light, it may present some surprises.   Don't forget the light will show as you move into the hall, or through a doorway.  Develop a plan to make the best use of a light when needed. 

One SD instructor friend, recommends a small but bright push-button light in your weak hand (he used a Streamlight to demo) .  It can be raised to the side--away from your body as you go through that door or out of the hallway, and is only on when it's needed.  The small diameter tube can still allow weak hand pistol support if needed.

Just a thought.


Offline czechyoself

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #27 on: May 27, 2012, 11:48:05 PM »
.... even if you are scared/tense/hopped up on goofballs.

Goofballs are barbiturates (depressants)

Thanks for the clarification. I just used an old phrase I've heard on old movies before, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it in person. Now you can guess my age, hehe.

Offline jay1975

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2012, 09:56:42 AM »
I'm a little off the thread topic, using a light on or off the rail:
USPSA Matches and other venues sometimes have "night shoots".  You don't have to be a member to go.  Do it.
It can be an interesting learning experience.

My first one, I  wore a "Head Band Light"-- a really bright one!  I could clearly see both the front sight and a 12 yard target when I checked it out before the match.   At the match, every time I moved past a white wall or light colored background, I was almost blinded due to the light reflecting back. A window glass could ruin your vision.  A mirror.......well it wouldn't be good.

I'm not saying to dump using the various lights.  I'm saying to practice in your home with it.   While you may know every nook and cranny of your home, at night with a pistol and a light, it may present some surprises.   Don't forget the light will show as you move into the hall, or through a doorway.  Develop a plan to make the best use of a light when needed. 

One SD instructor friend, recommends a small but bright push-button light in your weak hand (he used a Streamlight to demo) .  It can be raised to the side--away from your body as you go through that door or out of the hallway, and is only on when it's needed.  The small diameter tube can still allow weak hand pistol support if needed.

Just a thought.

Great advice.  Some LE departments train to hold the flashlight in the support hand up and away from the body (nearly fully extended at a 45 degree angle) so as to not give a clear indication as to where your body is.   

Offline myles

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Re: Which SP-01 is better for Home Defense?
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2012, 01:22:28 PM »
The best SP-01 for home defense is the cheapest one you can find.  That way you'll have some money left to get a 12 gauge pump and a couple of boxes of buckshot (#1 to 00). ;)

Put the light on the shotgun.