Here's mine:
SA tricker system
Competition hammer
Alu grips
Alu mag. funnel
Alu mag. base
LPA adjustable rear sight with green optic fibre and at the front a red fibre optic.
Hammer and barrel are titan/nitride coated, gold colour.
I love it! C'mon now
Raynbow6... please tell us:
Where did you got the CZUB engraved and checkered grips... in a plain silver aluminum finish? The CZUB aluminum grips available on the CZ-USA website are anodized a color (blue, red, and black).
Did you have yours re-finished... or the color stripped? I should have read further. You mentioned the "CZ webshop". Can I guess that you meant the European "CZ webshop" here?: a shame. No plain aluminum here at CZ-USA:
Who did your Titanium Nitride coating? You mentioned "a local gunsmith".
Is that in Europe or state-side? I've wanted to get some parts finished in Titanium Nitride as well. I live in an area that has several TiN finishing services just a few miles away. I've asked about getting some small parts coated in Titanium Nitride (safety, slide stop, trigger, hammer, magazine release, etc). I wasn't interested in getting the barrel done, and since the parts are small, I figured they might do them while working on a larger job. Unfortunately, none of them are interested in touching firearm parts (even if provided disassembled). (Only one person mentioned a lower temp required for application to pistol parts?).
What model LPA sight? and where did you get it? I've seen others that got an LPA sight that "hangs" back so far that the hammer needs to be notched (or a competition hammer like yours needs to be installed). Your rear sight looks "even" with the back of the slide, and it almost looks like a standard hammer would still be functional.
Is that a straight SA Trigger from CZ Custom that you simply stripped to the plain aluminum finish?-
Where did you get the extended mag base in a plain aluminum finish? The mag well looks like one from
CZ Custom, here: ...but I don't see the extended mag base in plain aluminum.
GREAT work!!!