There's a K2-45 up on Gunbroker now, so some distributors/dealers have them., the President of EAA has started another Company to distribute the Sarsilmaz Pistols.
Price is more like $550 plus.
Sarsilmaz, Turkish, is at the lower end of quality from Turkey. While it functions just fine, a buddy from Turkey (active range member, they have alot of rental exposure at ranges) advises against these. Canik55, Tisas are preferred Turkish handguns. I don't know how true it is, but he could not confirm if the barrels in Sarsilmaz were hammer forged. The others were.
I'll take my chances and see for myself when I get some $$ to play with, but a VZ58 or equivalent, is higher up on my priority list, so don't hold your breath.
I also note that the Armalite AR24's, made by Sarsilmaz, have been holding up well and have few, if any, complaints.
Will the K2 take the punishment my older .45 Witness has? (18,000 rounds & .45 Super Conversion) Only time will tell. Stay tuned. It will get a workout, if and when I get my hands on one!