..... they are false rumors about how easy it is to ruin the finish........I read all those posts of how if you rubbed the finish it would leave a mark all BS!
I don?t mean to start anything here, but I take personal offence to that ?BS?
I own a 2010 Matte Stainless, with the Extended Beavertail, same as you, and unless CZ has made a change from 2010 to 2011 that changed the Matte so it doesn?t buffs off (in my opinion) TOO EASILY
I must congratulate you on having a Matte Finish that is obviously tougher than the one CZ put on mine
I too think that the Matte Stainless very nice, if not the nicest
I also like the Matte / Polished Finish on the Limited
But believe me, my Matte Finish scuffed, buffed, scratched ?.. (whatever you want to call it)
If it didn?t, do you really think I would actually go to all the trouble to fully polish then try ?Brushing? the matte back
Or even bother to start this thread:
http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=41574.0 , just to "BS" people
As if I have nothing better to do with my time
Why would I go from this, Gorgeous Matte Finish

To this, Faux Brushed Finish

Basically sir, I feel your ?BS? was VERY RUDE and uncalled for ! ! !
Maybe next time say, ?And that?s just my opinion or observation?
Be safe, Shoot safe, Den S