I took delivery of my first CZ a few weeks ago, a stainless 75B, and made a trip to the range last Saturday after a quick strip, clean, and oil. I filled the range bag with a pretty wide variety of ammo to see what it liked, S&B, Blazer brass, UMC, Federal Champion, American Eagle, WWB, etc. It went through 400 rounds in an hour without a single hiccup. This is one impressive firearm! After finally shooting one, I see what all the fuss is about. It's very accurate and it feels great in my hand. I wasn't thrilled with the trigger for the first couple hundred rounds, but after 300 or so, it started smoothing out noticeably. I'd imagine after 1,000 rounds the trigger will be quite good. The only complaint that I have with the pistol at all is the sights. I'm cross dominant so finding the front sight is slightly more difficult for me, but I've never had this much trouble before. I can find it eventually, but it takes a few seconds. My local range is also pretty poorly lit, which doesn't help. Which FO front sight would work best with the stock rear? It looks like the only options are the CZ Custom 5.5mm and the Hi Viz. I don't believe Dawson Precision makes a sight that's the correct height with a stock rear and I don't really see the need to replace the rear. Any opinions or suggestions would be appreciated.