You can get adjustable rear sights used at most of the online auctions.
But, one of the problems with the adjustable sights ist, that they are high riding. That means, they sit on top of the slide, with a slight gap between the sight and the slide. And mostly you have to mount that butt ugly huge front sight (I don`t like then too much, even if I have a larger front sight on mine, as you cann see below, but mine just looks better...
![Cool 8)](
Mostly you will have to replace the front sight aswell, what is a pain inthe ass, when you have the Pre "B" model with the staked front sight.
Unless you get the small rear sight from LPA, that is compatible with the original front sight.
To override the high riding, ad?justable rear sight, you can have to settled into the slide.
This is a pic of my Pre "B", that I had some work done on.
Here the entire album of all of the work: here the result, what it looks like now:
And here two pics from the second 9mm system I have for my Pre "B", that Iw ill get back tomorrow. I don`t have a clue, what it looks like now, but I expect it to be pretty cool and will post some pics when I get back home.
In this pic, you can see, how the front sight was staked in the slide. Only way, to change the front sight is mostly to have a dovetail cut into the slide.