Author Topic: Your recommendations for gunsmiths, custom gun builders and other wizards.  (Read 82326 times)

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Offline Grendel

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This is hopefully going to be a resource for the membership when they are looking for someone to work magic on their shootin' irons. So add your favorite maestro of the 'smithing trade to this thread, including the weapons he or she predominantly works on, so others may benefit from your experience. You can also include refinishers for those wishing to spruce up their gats.

I'll start:

Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges - Tacitus

Inter arma enim silent leges - Cicero

I wasn't born in America, but I got here as fast as I could.

Offline DenStinett

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The two (or three) that come to mind are members here;
Stuart for the CZs
And Rod Slinger for the Witnesses
Oh yeah, and both Stuart and Brian Ahearn have shown some GREAT finish work
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 11:04:55 PM by DenStinett »
So tell me again how Trump was worse then the 8 years before .... AND what's coming after HIM !

Offline 1SOW

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Two where I've had work done that turned out very well:

CZ Custom Shop  , DW, CZ
David Milam,  ,   CZ Pistols and several other brands

Offline Hockler

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Sam @,, or, - AR15, 1911, Cerakote, etc.

Springer Precision,, - XD, Ion Bond, etc

And of course,, - CZ
Hockler - BFN Head Artist

CZ's : [Short-slide '79, Pre-B '80 Ion bond]

Offline max it

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Re: Your recommendations for gunsmiths, custom gun builders and other wizards.
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 06:16:50 PM »
In Orange County, for 1911's and S& W products:
Evan's Gunsmithing

for XD's and I am recently told he does CZ's :
Dave's Metal Works in Covina CA
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 10:16:53 AM by max it »
Much obliged,


Offline maleante

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Re: Your recommendations for gunsmiths, custom gun builders and other wizards.
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2012, 09:09:17 PM »
ADCO is the #1 shop in the USA for pretty much anything black rifle related. Pinning, recontouring, threading, fluting, etc.

M60 Joe is also the #1 shop in the USA for almost everything Title II related. Blow up your $20,000 receiver? He can fix it. Break your $10,000 Lightening Link, and he's the man. Baffle strikes? He'll fix that too.

Marvin Pitts of Nefarious Arms formerly worked for Knights Armament Corp (KAC) and does barrel work including the infamous KAC PDW barrel dimpling. He dimples the barrels in the exact pattern that KAC does.
His contact info is:

Examples of Marvin's barrel work:

Offline milq

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Re: Your recommendations for gunsmiths, custom gun builders and other wizards.
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2013, 03:01:57 PM »
Not sure if many here are into older guns or benchrest stuff, but I'll throw out one.

Brian Wick of Wick Custom Firearms Inc.
Albion, IL (that's SE IL)

Brian will work on most anything but he loves custom benchrest (stocks and complete rifles) as well as silhouette pistols. He also does quite a bit of lever action and single action revolver work.

blackiesmith (at)
NRA Basic Pistol Instuctor, IL FCCA Instructor. and check out to learn more about CCW in IL.

Offline Dimon666

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For anything CZ related I would recommend CZ Custom shop. I've tried and seen work on CZ pistols from other shops and although their work was great it is still a step below CZCustom.
CZC Shadow 2
CZC Compact L
CZ Kadet
Rem700 5R

Online AZ_CZ

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For AKs, Daewoos, and FALs this guy:

Does an awesome job building from parts kits, refinishing or getting them running right.
CZ Fanbot since 1996

Offline Stuart

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For 1911s, rifles and just figuring stuff out.
Gary Kimball in Colorado Springs

CZs, 1911s , general pistolsmithing
Eric Zinn at CZ Custom

I've done enough to know what I can and cannot do, and when I need help.

also on my list
Jim Milks , Innovative Custom Pistols- used to be George Smith's lead guy when EGW was doing guns.

John Brandstatter in Pueblo West Colorado.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2015, 07:41:04 PM by Stuart »

Offline e-mishka

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The two (or three) that come to mind are members here;
Stuart for the CZs
And Rod Slinger for the Witnesses
Oh yeah, and both Stuart and Brian Ahearn have shown some GREAT finish work
Any feedback on Rod Slinger? Contact info ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Chas100

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I'm still pretty partial to my rim fires. When ever I have time to get some range time in I will take 5 or more firearms depending on the amount of time I have and 3 or more will be rim fires. My favorites to take to the range are my Ruger 10/22's. My CZ is a very close second. We all know there are literally hundreds of after market parts for the 10/22's to accurize and improve the function and reliability of them and these can run into 3 to 5 times and maybe more of the cost of the 10/22.

My very highly recommended Gun Smith to make your 10/22 a very accurate, fun to shoot and greatly improve the function and reliability is "Connecticut Precision Chambering" (CPC). The gentleman that owns it is Randy and he's been a Gun Smith for many years and specializes in 10/22's but will by request work on other firearms. He will use your OE parts and accurize them to an excellent standard. For less than the cost of a 10/22 he will set back and crown (and other improvements) the barrel, do a very professional trigger job to get the pull around 2lbs and a nice crisp break, auto bolt release and add oversize receiver pins. With the bolt he will surface ground and square the face, jewel the bolt side and insert a SS pin over the front of the bolt to give the firing pin a consistent strike. Randy also does other work like barrel threading. You can even order from him or send your own barrel blank for him to work on. I've had him do 2 of mine and they are the most accurate firearms at 25 and 50 yards I own. Check out his website for other work he does. He also has an FFL so you can send the firearm
- the stock directly to him. It's best to contact him via his work email. You would not be disappointed.

Randy at CPC
Mil Surps


Offline Droopy

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I would recommend Sam at OMEGA grips for sure. Anyone looking to get their gun cerakoted I would also recommend GUNNWERKS in Michigan. Sergio was a pleasure to work with and he has rather fast turnaround also

Offline jroback

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For Sphinx work, the only shop I have found is Automatic Accuracy, and they did a great job on my SDP subcompact. 

Offline DeanD

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For bluing and about anything else you need in general gunsmithing:  George Roghaar in Boca Raton, FL  I always do my own prep work and polishing and George tanks the parts.  Very reasonable pricing that way.  Never had a bad job.    My last job was this milled AK I recently finished but he has done a lot of pistols for me also:

George also did the slide and small parts when I restored this Frankonia CZ-75

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 11:56:44 PM by DeanD »