Hi Guys
I guess we should say where we're from when we post something.
I live in Quebec and the dealer had it in stock after i'd asked him a few months ago if he ever carried the 97B. I'd just bought my 75 SPO1 Shadow from him. He had inquired when I'd asked him and FN Canada, the importer, told him they had some in stock and which one did I want, Black or Blue finish.
The couple of weeks I mention is the time it takes for him to send the paperwork to the Provincial Police and they issue a transportation permit.It never takes more than about 10 days for the permit. so I should have it by the end of the month.
The 97B i wanted was blued with wood grips. It's a large gun but I have large hands and it fits me perfectly.
It's not very different from the SPO1 in terms of grip, a little larger but not much.
If it shoots anything my SPO1 and from what I've read on different sites, it will, then I'll be very happy with it.
I'll let you know when I actually do shoot it though.
I'll try the wood grips and if I don't like them I'll order a set of rubber grips.
I'll also try and post photos of it and all my handguns in the comming weeks.
I also own a Rock Island 1911 in .045. It's the target model. I had a hell of a time with it at first. It was so tight that I couldn't fire more than a couple of rounds without it jammimg. I thought it was my reloads but after trying factory ammo with the same results I stripped it completly and gave it a good cleaning.
My last session with it was flawless with all types of ammo, my reloads, 185 and 200 gr semi wad cutters as well as ball and factory ball ammo.
I did replace the recoil spring for a 12 pound and that was the only change I made.
Good luck finding a 97B guys. Sometimes I think that the shortage is deliberate in order to keep prices higher, or demand is extremly high!!