I've been shooting .22 bullseye for about 2.5 years and was thinking of jumping into 45 centerfire BE. I know that most 45 BE shooters use 1911's but I like to be different. I love my CZ75B in stainless so I figured the 97 would be a nice alternative. Unfortunately, it looks like there's very few to none as far as upgrades for a 97. I mean, I can't find squat as far as mounts for a red dot or match style grips. I know that CGW has parts to upgrade the trigger and such, but there seems to be precious little else. Before I decide to go the 1911 route, does anybody know of someone who could customize a 97 for BE? Any grip makers that produce models for the 97? Rink has match grips for the 75 but not the 97. Thanks for your help.