Author Topic: First day shooting my 85 Combat  (Read 2351 times)

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Offline nosaj750

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First day shooting my 85 Combat
« on: April 24, 2012, 04:47:49 PM »
All I can say is WOW!!! What a nice gun to shoot. Went to the expensive indoor range at Gander Mountain since it's the closest to my office for an hour today at lunch and was really impressed with this gun right out of the box. I went through 150rds of 115gr Federal FMJ's, and a handful of SD rounds to make sure it would eat anything I put in it. 10 124gr Fed HST's, and about 10 of Hornady's new Critical Duty 135gr rds. Ate everything with no problem at all of course. The weight of this gun is a bit much for a daily carry but I would carry it with no hesitation at all especially since it fits in my current Crossbreed ST that my P01 rides in mostly. The nice thing about that weight is the felt recoil is absorbed nicely and it gets right back on the target with little effort. As for accuracy out of the box it was pretty much on the money, all I had to do is one little click to the right on the rear sight and I was right on target from 7yds to 16yds which is the max distance at Gander. I'm going to switch out the mainspring with an extra 16lb I have from my P01, according to Wolff Springs its the same size which was a pleasant surprise when I was checking out the springs today for it. I'll give the 16lb a go for a while and maybe try the 13lb at a later time along with the extended firing pin since I've exhausted all my funds buying the 85. That and the grips are really the only thing I plan on changing for now, I think the CZ rubber grips like the P01 has would feel better in the hand. The stock plastic grips felt slippery like my hands were sweaty but they were dry which may have been the problem they were to dry and couldn't get a good grip on it.   

 Below is a pic of the target from the first 2 magazines at 10yds. Can't wait to get some more rounds thru her and tighten those groups up some more hopefully.
CZ P01
CZ 75 Compact
CZ 85 Combat Satin Nickel
Stag Model 7 6.8spc
Alexander Arms 17hmr
Savage 17hmr

Offline Faeruss7

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2012, 04:51:23 PM »
     Outstanding, congrats on the great buy. I love my 85 Combat, so it is good to hear when others enjoy theirs too. Nice shooting :)
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Offline CZMN

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2012, 06:01:34 PM »
Great to hear you were good to go out of the box with the various ammo's. Nothing wrong with those groups for the first time out with a new gun. What did you think of the trigger pull in both da and sa?
I just ordered mine today and hoping to have it end of week but most likely Monday or Tuesday.
I got real lucky and got the last one in satin nickel that was in stock from for for $567.75 shipping included!  :o
I could hardly beleive my good luck!

Also how do the safety levers feel? Are they positive and big enough?
Are the grips for a 85 the same as a 75?

Thanks for the report!!

Offline JayZ

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2012, 07:59:16 PM »
Combat is sure a nice entry into the CZ world.  I bought mine in March on a quick call to a dealer.  He put it away for me and I purchased it an hour later.  It was my first CZ and I changed out the mainspring to 13#.  I reload my 9mm so wanting to try the new configuration.  I bought a SS 75B last week and I can say the trigger is nicer on the 85C than the 75B.  Makes most sense to have the trigger work done on the Combat.  Will keep the 75B in the case.

Offline nosaj750

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2012, 09:32:46 PM »
Great to hear you were good to go out of the box with the various ammo's. Nothing wrong with those groups for the first time out with a new gun. What did you think of the trigger pull in both da and sa?
I just ordered mine today and hoping to have it end of week but most likely Monday or Tuesday.
I got real lucky and got the last one in satin nickel that was in stock from for for $567.75 shipping included!  :o
I could hardly beleive my good luck!

Also how do the safety levers feel? Are they positive and big enough?
Are the grips for a 85 the same as a 75?

Thanks for the report!!

The trigger is much better than the P01 in the beginning that's for sure. Double action is lighter and smoother, single action is comparable to a cheaper 1911, definitely not as good as a Kimber but, I'm quite happy with it out of the box. It's got a little grit but not bad at all. The trigger adjustment screw is nice and can be set to eliminate any over travel after the trigger breaks and reset is relatively short as well. I'm sure the trigger will smooth out nicely with some more rounds through it. As for the controls they're fine to me for the most part and I don't have any issues with the safety, it's easy enough to disengage and fire the first round that I would carry it C&L without any problem. The slide release is a little bit further forward than I like so I've got to adjust my right hand a bit to hold it open but releasing empty to full mag is doable from a normal grip. The 16lb mainspring made a big difference, I couldn't imagine how light the trigger pull is with the 13. I'll hopefully put some more rounds through her later this week to test out the new spring. 
CZ P01
CZ 75 Compact
CZ 85 Combat Satin Nickel
Stag Model 7 6.8spc
Alexander Arms 17hmr
Savage 17hmr

Offline CZMN

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2012, 07:48:02 AM »
Thanks for the report Nosa. Do you plan on upgrading the sights at anytime? I have heard the adjustable rears are overated. But to me I'm not as fussy about rear sights as I focus mainly on the front sights anyhow. I will definetly be adding a fiber optic front.

Offline nosaj750

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 08:11:52 AM »
Thanks for the report Nosa. Do you plan on upgrading the sights at anytime? I have heard the adjustable rears are overated. But to me I'm not as fussy about rear sights as I focus mainly on the front sights anyhow. I will definetly be adding a fiber optic front.

Mine came with the glow in the dark paint which needs light to charge them up which I'm not real fond of. I like the adjustable rear site and will probably look to change out the front sight with something that stands out a bit more like the fiber optic, although I have a Ruger with Mark3 with the fiber optic and it just seems cheap, always coming loose so I'm not sure if their just crap sights or they're all like that. I'm carrying the 85 today so I'll see how it does as a carry gun. The rear sight seems to catch on clothing easily so don't know how well it will do setup the way it is. I don't think it will be carried often but being new I want to get used to it as much as possible. I originally purchased it for a competition gun and now I'm thinking it may get more use than just a comp gun as I'm really liking it.
CZ P01
CZ 75 Compact
CZ 85 Combat Satin Nickel
Stag Model 7 6.8spc
Alexander Arms 17hmr
Savage 17hmr

Offline CZMN

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2012, 08:23:15 AM »
Interesting. Glow in the dark paint? Have to check mine out when I get it. I don't forsee ever using my 85 as a carry weapon. Pretty large gun and as you say rear sights will snag. I have been carrying a Kahr K9 for a couple years now and has got to be one of the if not the best designed gun for cc (imo) :)

Also I just ordered a Garrett Industries Silent Thunder Champion holster for the 85 to live in. I have one of those for my FNP and it's a great holster.

Offline djpegasus

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2012, 05:36:09 AM »
congrat's, 85c's are a great pistol and a joy to shoot, the only ammo I have found so far that mine did not like was Blazer steel case (had 2 stovepipe) other then that eats/spits em all.
Nice groupings and enjoy the good times ahead  :)

Offline 1SOW

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Re: First day shooting my 85 Combat
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2012, 09:33:43 PM »
A good new gun always puts a big smile on your face.
I think you made a very good choice.  I have well worked 75B that I like a lot and am totally comfortable with.
The 85C is the only other swap I'd be tempted to make.   The 15# mainspring/hammerspring is a good idea.  I'd leave the heavy spring in long enough to give a faster seating time for the action.
Keep us posted on how it progresses.  I may swap yet. ;)