I posted to the group about a year ago, frustrated (if not totally p***ed) with my CZ75 compact. Had lots of stovepipes, FTFs, and all that stuff. Seems I couldn't find any ammo that wouldn't cause problems... HP, FMJ, you name it.
But after a few hundred rounds, wow! Since then I've put probably 800 rounds of all sorts of ammo through my Compact. Never a glitch, even with frangible ammo. Field strip and clean every once in a while; sometimes get good ammo from Cabelas, at other times cheap stuff from Wal-Mart.
I have a 38 spl revolver, and a Springfield microcompact in 40 S&W... both fine handguns, each of which I thought I'd make my main carry gun, especially when the CZ was new and giving me problems.
Now??? The CZ is a wonderful carry gun; totally reliable; totally accurate; and easy to carry. My only wish now is that Crimson Trace would make laser grips for it... or that I had the new Compact with a rail for a tactical light or laser under the dust cover...