Who makes a VZ with a plastic trigger?
SA VZ58 from Czechpoint the FC selector is 180 deg. backward from OOW MDL VZ2000.
Actual Czech full auto VZ58 FC has a three position switch which is initiated in semi-auto mode with FC switch to the back, safe is FC switch down, and full-auto FC switch is pushed forward.
Semi. Full.
OOW FC selector is correct switch back to engage FCG fir semi-auto, down for safe, forward does nothing ( no full auto, so essentially it is safe as well). This is correct as the auto sear piece is cut off for full auto mode.
Semi. Full (does not fire)
Czechpoint uses a two position switch and completely blocks FC selector from going to rear for what is historically semi-auto mode, then correctly uses switch down for safe, and forward for fire (albeit it is not full auto of course).
Full (fires in semi-auto)
Man is this a mind puck, esp. After repetitious training until switching safety is done without thinking with the OOW vz2000 weapons (which are technically correct).
Obviously the OOW FC selector will not function in the Czechpoint rifle but is the opposite true? Forcing me to unlearn and then relearn the function. Anyone know?
What configuration(s) did/does CAI deliver?
What does the Bonesteel FC selector do? Is it compatible with MDL VZ2000 and SA VZ58?