Last nite I had a pretty decent round going.
Six shots reload move 8 shots reload 6 steel poppers reload,Then I came to the Texas Star. I am embarrassed to say I shot 10 shots at the last plate before I had to leave it dangle so I did not run out of bullets for my last 2 targets, which I was so flusterd that I got a Charlie Mike Alpha Mike.
I wanted to crawl inside a hole. I can't believe I did that last nite. My buddies were laughing pretty hard and then when the RO said Mike 2 times I think one of them cried he laughed so hard.
All I could do was shake my head and smile. I rarely go 5 for 5 on that stupid star, but I have never let it get in my head that bad before.
Next time that thing is mine!!!!!! I better find a way to practice.