I've been watching a sweet 1987 CZ 85 on gunauction.com that's been there for months with no bids. I was hoping for the price to drop, but the auction would time out and the seller (Sarco in PA) would just relist it at the same price ($399 no box NO magazine, some holster wear) well 16 hours before the auction was to again close I figured I would make my move. I placed the first bid on this gun since it was first listed in September. I was the high (and ONLY) bidder all afternoon and ll last night. When I woke up this morning I had been out bid

I upped my bid a few bucks but the other bidder must have put in a pretty high max bid. It got past what I was willing to pay and I had t let I slip by. I consider myself very lucky that I was able to pickup a mint CZ 75B Omega, a Mint CZ 75BD, a decent CZ 75 BD Police, AND a CZ 85 transitional in the last few weeks. All great deals...I
guess I can let somebody else get a deal too...I don't need EVERY CZ...do I?
Seriously though, if whoever won that auction reads this forum, congratulations to you sir (or madam)!