you are still free to buy from whom you choose. its their business and they can do whatever they please.
if you dont like their prices or CS or whatever, let your $$$ talk while you walk.
My LGS makes $$$ on accessories not guns. there are FFL holders that will bring in a gun for cost+%. however, those small FFL holders cant compete in price when it comes to volume or large buy programs. iirc, SIg, Kiimber and some others will give you price break/free shipping or whatever if you spend $$$ (thousdands) or buy so many guns/year. one of our largest gun shops buys that way. he has a large inventory of most name mfg, but you will see over time his stock drop down to a few guns, then a few weeks later, its busting over with stock. if you want it , buy it when he has it, if not wait till the next shipment. this goes for CZs too.