Author Topic: PCR Range report...and comparison...kinda long  (Read 2087 times)

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Offline jeff c

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PCR Range report...and comparison...kinda long
« on: February 22, 2002, 11:32:01 PM »
Hello all,

I finally was able to go to the range today and shoot my new PCR. My doctor gave me the OK after removing the stitches from my right hand on Thursday afternoon.

This was the first time learning to shoot left handed. It's not really a fair report as to the guns ability to hit where I aimed, because it's going to take some practice to get used to shooting with the "wrong" hand.

I ran 250 rounds of 115 grain ammo, 4 manufactures, plus some old reloads I had. The gun performed flawless, not one single FTF, FTE, etc...

I did all shooting ranging from 7-10 yards. I was able to keep 46 out of 50 in a 4" circle, the other 4 where straight down about 3-4 inches from the group...I was pulling the gun down to keep recoil under control when I didn't need to.
I was shooting at a rate of 1 round every 1-1.5 seconds.

I also took my new to me SIG P220, which is a .45 for those who don't know. I shot the SIG just about the same as the PCR...which say's quite abit about the PCR if you ask me!

The SIG's trigger is soooo sweet! I'm hoping that the PCR's trigger will get that smooth after shooting a couple thousand rounds thru it. I'm not used to the takeup on the trigger, or the feel of the trigger release...yet.

So far I'm really happy with both of my new guns. When Minnesota finally passes the "shall issue" bill I will be carrying the PCR.

Have a good weekend,
Jeff C.

Offline armoredman

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PCR Range report...and comparison...kinda long
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2002, 08:48:48 AM »
I have to agree about the SIG 220. We had one as a rental at Jensens, and that was my hands down favorite rental, since there wasn't a CZ after some yahoo stole our CZ83.
   The 220 is one sweet shooter, but as a rental it needed a lot of TLC, kept breaking, but we always kept her fixed. Not a fair comparison to other guns, as rentals will sometimes get 1000 rounds through them in 2 or 3 days! By way of comparison, our old Beretta 92f kept humming along long after our oldest Glock broke her slide!
   I carry a Compact CZ myself, and know you will be well protected by you PCR. Good luck with you "shall issue" bill, and if it doesn't pass, well, we have lots of Minnesotans living down here in AZ now, too.
   Bill getting closer in our legislature to make CCW without a permit a petty offense, with a max $50 fine. It is really going well.

Offline ut83

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PCR Range report...and comparison...kinda long
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2002, 09:35:28 AM »
Very Cool...I have a Compact and wanted a PCR...but couldnt pass up this deal.  I shoot left handed once in a while and do fairly well at it....ok, I do OK at it.  Shoot well and keep practicing...Dave good luck with the laws.....Shoot well