Author Topic: My two favorite Compacts (pt2)  (Read 2107 times)

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Offline ut83

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My two favorite Compacts (pt2)
« on: March 13, 2002, 08:31:31 AM »
I started this as a sequel to a great thread...thanks. Shoot well.


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My two favorite Compacts (pt2)
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2002, 12:55:14 AM »
I posted this on Shooters and copied it to the post on 13 rounders. Here it is again:

Here it comes again! If you had never shot a Glock 19 your nod would be to the PCR. It is accurate, reliable, and compact. The PCR comes with 10 round magazines and 13 rounders are hard to find and trendy. The factory grips on the PCR give the pistol the overall feel of a Browning High-Power. The negative is the material didn't feel good in my hands. I bought a pair of wood factory grips for my PCR. Downside is the factory grips aren't cheap. The factory sights on the PCR are a little hard for old eyes to pick up. After saying all this, I like the PCR and it fits in Glock 19 holsters.

The Glock 19 is the most size efficient service 9mm made. It is also accurate, reliable, and compact. Its sights are better than the PCR's for old eyes and high capacity magazines are easier to find. After saying all this, I like the Glock 19 and it fits in PCR holsters.

In the end both are fine weapons. I give the nod to the Glock 19.



Offline armoredman

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My two favorite Compacts (pt2)
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2002, 08:28:46 AM »
I agree with some points, as the hicap mags are easier to find, with CZ not getting the nod from BATF to import LEO hicaps yet, but when we do find the Glock mags, they are very pricey, much more so than CZ mags. I agree the Glock holds more, 15 against 13, no argument there. I do say the Glock trigger is much mushier, and distracting to inexperianced shooters, as it was to me when I first started with Glocks. The Glock is bulky feeling to me, and has all the look of a Volvo, fortunately with the same rep for reliability. I know teh G19 is an excellent weapon, and it is my Dept standard issue, but it will always feel like a brick to me, while my CZ fits like a glove, and I can shoot it better, even though I qualified with the G19 expert on the POST course in the snow! I guess it comes down to individual feelings, as both are excellent pistols, rugged, reliable and accurate. What more can you ask for, except cool James Bond background music every time you draw....