I recently purchased a CAI VZ2008 in a private sale for a good price. The owner said he bought two, one to keep in the box, one to shoot. He sold me the one he kept in the box.
I gave the rifle a disassembly, inspecting all of the parts and cross referencing the diagrams in the manual he gave me, as well as diagrams online. Everything checked out, although I still haven't fired it yet.
After practicing working the action and chambering rounds, I noticed a peculiar problem that only happens on fire. If I try to ride the bolt (Not letting go), it gets caught on something half way. If I partially release the tension and flip it back to safe, or rack the carrier all the way to back and let go it will go back into it's original position.
I tried googling this and searching these boards, but no one has seemed to mention it. I even see youtube videos of Century owners without this issue.
I just wanted to know if this would be a problem and if it would actually interfere with the rifle's operation?
Thank you.