Makes you wish they'd put on something like the vented front hand guard and grip on the AMD65, doesn't it?
I did however just got some goodies from SFRC ammo source up in canada. Including the NEA rail that seems to be out of stock everywhere.
I figured I should post in here instead of starting a new thread.
So, the upper handguard fits just fine, a little tight though (I'd rather it be tight than loose, you can always easily remove material).
The lower handguard is extra tight, and doesn't even slip on to the lower half. Is is just that the lower was made specifically for the original VZ58 and D-technik ones? or did I get a faultly handguard? The only way I can see this going on is if I file the inside part to fit.
EDIT: Nevermind. I noticed the overall length of the handguard was too long, so I slowly removed material off of the lip on the front edge using a file and dremel. It slipped on perfectly.