Today a generous match squad member, asked me if I wanted shoot his Czechmate rigged for minor loads---he saw me drooling.
I only shot three targets on one stage with 8" paper discs--blue disc=two shots/disc. I shot my Zero 125gr minor loads at 129 PF.
The Czechmate ran smoothly and scored 6 hits easily.
The SA trigger is excellent+.
The flip was less than my 75B .
Target transition was good---by someone not familiar with the pistol at all
I WANT TO SHOOT IT with MAJOR LOADSs, with the muzzle brake and C-Mor configuration!!!.
The generous squad member, hasn't loaded any major 9mm yet, so I didn't tell him "GET THE LEAD OUT!" LOAD SOME UP! "WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU, BOY!. I instead said, "Thanks a lot for the chance to shoot the Czechmate . It feels really good, even with my small hands." He said, "You're welcome anytime." He said he hasn't looaded any major loads yet, so I told him, who might help him out.
I also suggested three bullets that should run nicely with major Pf -- one was the Berry's 124gr HBRN TP, that I've been testing in minor loads for future major loads---if / when. The Berry's will let him load LOOooong, without reeming his chamber.