Author Topic: CZ 75B full auto?  (Read 6773 times)

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Offline 1SOW

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Re: CZ 75B full auto?
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2012, 01:47:52 AM »
and 2) if you get to a "service life" end on a CZ, what can you do to overhaul the pistol?  or is it on a downhill slide from there because it's a frame/slide loosening?  or can you put a new barrel, internals, etc?

I may get hollered at for this, but there is no service life on this pistol.  I runs 'til it doesn't. Talk of service life relates to contract minimum requirements, not actual failure.  A frame "MIGHT" break at 50K on one pistol, while another runs through 100K.  If someone shoots all +P+ maybe the bbl will shoot out or Other problems will come up.

My first problem was a trigger spring, maybe 15K rds.  broke a slide stop around 20K.  A second slide stop broke (bad memory here) at maybe 40-50K rds.
I upgraded the  sear and  hammer in there somewhere to improve performance (my performance) .

Another gun might run 60K with no slide stop breaks--but I doubt it.

You can almost compare "your" AGE X 1000 to my experiences with the 75BO0
You may live to 100, some don't.  You may break a leg and some won't.
JUST hope you don't shoot "your" barrel out until 100+. ;D ;D O0

PS, this makes my pistol younger than I am.  8)

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: CZ 75B full auto?
« Reply #31 on: December 12, 2012, 08:22:12 AM »
You can almost compare "your" AGE X 1000 to my experiences with the 75BO0
You may live to 100, some don't.  You may break a leg and some won't.
JUST hope you don't shoot "your" barrel out until 100+. ;D ;D O0

PS, this makes my pistol younger than I am.  8)

Even if you did manage to shoot out a barrel, $150 (plus fitting labor) and you're up and running again.  The only way to kill one of these guns is to crack the frame or slide.  The slide could be replaced, but it's one of those repairs that costs 3/4 of what a new pistol does.