and 2) if you get to a "service life" end on a CZ, what can you do to overhaul the pistol? or is it on a downhill slide from there because it's a frame/slide loosening? or can you put a new barrel, internals, etc?
I may get hollered at for this, but there is no service life on this pistol. I runs 'til it doesn't. Talk of service life relates to contract minimum requirements, not actual failure. A frame "MIGHT" break at 50K on one pistol, while another runs through 100K. If someone shoots all +P+ maybe the bbl will shoot out or Other problems will come up.
My first problem was a trigger spring, maybe 15K rds. broke a slide stop around 20K. A second slide stop broke (bad memory here) at maybe 40-50K rds.
I upgraded the sear and hammer in there somewhere to improve performance (my performance) .
Another gun might run 60K with no slide stop breaks--but I doubt it.
You can almost compare "your" AGE X 1000 to my experiences with the 75B.
You may live to 100, some don't. You may break a leg and some won't.
JUST hope you don't shoot "your" barrel out until 100+.
PS, this makes my pistol younger than I am.