I'm thinking about becoming a future CZ owner, but I need some help in understanding the function of the safety and decocker so I can decide on my first CZ purchase.
I have a 9mm Ruger P85 MKII that has a safety AND decocker function. When moving from 'hot' to 'safe' the hammer is automatically decocked. Pulling the trigger on this DA/SA handgun when safe does not engage the hammer. So, 'safe' means the hammer is down and the trigger is not engaged. When 'hot' it is DA/SA.
Can someone tell me if this is the same way the CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical works? I've read a number of postings on this topic and it still isn't clear to me what will happen on this model if you pull the trigger after engaging the decocker (I'm thinking a Double-Action BANG from the half-cocked hammer position, or is there a firing pin block?). I'd really like to know exactly how this works before going any further on the CZ path.
Sorry if this is a simple question, but I'm unable to find one of these at my LGS to try. So, I was hoping that this forum might be able to help.