Author Topic: Controlling Image Display Size  (Read 764 times)

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Offline Wobbly

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Controlling Image Display Size
« on: November 14, 2022, 07:25:57 PM »
Image Rules and Tips Regardless of Host

Image Display Size
Bigger is not better. If your image runs off the screen when viewed on a 2560 pixel width monitor, then we believe the image is not only too large, but disrespectful to those who have to scroll left/right and up/down to view the whole. Making your audience suffer in order to see the idea you're trying to convey just doesn't work.

- The multiple YouTube videos you'll see scattered around the forum are set at about 640 pixels wide. Therefore, since no one complains about YouTube, asking members to limit the width of their submissions to a maximum of 650 pixels shouldn't be a problem.

- If you insist on larger images, then we respectfully ask that you paste Hyperlinks to the images, and not the images themselves.

- Overly large images may be deleted at the Moderator's discretion.

Controlling Image Size
• Regardless of the hosting site you choose, the HTML code you are Pasting into your forum post can usually be controlled with a Width command embedded into the HTML code. This can be especially helpful if you are "borrowing" a graphic from another forum, for which you do not control the original hosting. Or, suppose you have multiple cropped images that have all turned out to be different widths. You might wish them to all display at the same width, and so adding this command will do just that. It doesn't work with every image from every host, but it's worth a try.

- The HTML Width command specifies an image width in pixels which you control. Widths between 400 and 650 work best on this forum. The width command is simply inserted alongside the first IMG, inside the brackets. If we use the example from above, the IMGUR code looks like this...

- When edited to add the Width command turns into...
(img width=150][/img)

- And results in this...

Results May Vary
• What you see on your screen depends on whether you use a home computer, tablet or phone to view this web site. There are also differences between Microsoft and Apple products. It is your Browser, and not this web site that has the greatest effect on image viewing. Luckily, graphics display has become more standardized across the industry since ~2018.

• When experiencing image posting or manipulation issues, the first step is stop using your phone and use a home computer. Reading posts from your phone is fine, but we highly suggest you post and manipulate images using a home computer. Moderators will judge your results using a home computer.

• A second suggestion is to check is your software updates. Phones and Chromebook computers update with every shutdown. Apple products should be set to download the latest system updates automatically. The biggest issues are with Windows computers. Users of Windows 7 and 8 can still get the FREE update to Windows 10. Although updates within Windows 10/11 supposedly happen automatically, it sometimes helps to go into Settings/ Update & Security and manually click the Check For Updates button. No matter what type device you use, software updates do not take effect until you Shutdown or Restart your device.

Hope this helps.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2023, 07:35:36 AM by Wobbly »
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