My wife wanted me to go Christmas shopping with her last Saturday. Okay! That is not so bad. She knew that there was a Gun Show in town Saturday and Sunday. She asked me if I wanted to go. (Are you kidding? Does a kid want to go to a toy store? Come on! Give me a break!)
Ofcourse I answered that I wanted to go. I had seen some pictures of red dot sights on Team CZUB race guns, and I wanted to see if I could find one that was simular. I am always looking for good deals on magazines and holsters too.
Long story short. We got inside and after about two hours of wondering around, visiting with old friends, fighting the crowd, peering over the sholders of guys that were "belly up" to the tables; we found a used CZ 40B. No box. No papers. No spare magazine. Just a nice looking pistol laying on the corner of the table.
The price looked good, but I thought that I would ask if the seller would possibly take less. He said make me an offer.
Long story short. I made him an offer. He counter offered. Then my wife steps in and makes a counter offer. After some thought, the seller makes another counter offer. The price was now sixty five dollars less that his asking price!
I looked at my wife. She looked at me and said, this is your Christmas present! I'll pay for it but you don't get to play with it until Christmas Day! I was floored! I could not believe my good fortune!
We were on our way out, and my wife asked me if I want anything else. I told here that I could use a couple of extra magazines. She says sure thing.
We found a magazine vendor that had MecGar, CZ 75, 40 S&W marked magazines for $25.00 out the door. So we bought one. Anorther vendor had a forty round Pakistani, HK MP 5 magazine that I could use too. So we bought these two magazines.
I convinced my wife that I need to try the magazines in their correct weapons, just to make sure that they fit. I convinced my wife that I needed to field strip the CZ 40B and take a look inside and oil the pistol before we put it up for a month.
The magazines fit both guns just fine. The CZ 40B was clean as a pin inside, plus I found that the CZ 40B had a stainless steel, two dimension guide rod in it. This is the first one that I have ever seen. (I bet that I could turn these things on my lathe!)
Oh well! I am one lucky boy!
Bob T.