Author Topic: Brno Effect FS: Being a Cry Baby  (Read 4862 times)

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Offline Panoply

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Brno Effect FS: Being a Cry Baby
« on: May 08, 2013, 03:15:42 PM »
Hey Guys,

Shooting not being my primary hobby, I have only just seen that he Brno Effect FS has been 86ed.  WHAT!  Why?  I had thought it quite possibly the most beautiful rifle I had ever seen.  I had intended to buy myself one when I could afford one, it being very low on my list of needs as it was a single shot rifle, but it was pretty high on my list of wants.    I would have gotten it eventually.  Now I guess if I want one I'd likely have to buy used which is something I've never even considered doing unless I could look at the weapon before buying.  Ugh.  Wanh wanh.   :'(

No point to this post, I guess.  Maybe to see if anyone else shares my indignation that CZ would not keep a gun that probably didn't sell well in production until such time as I was ready to buy.  The nerve.

Be Well & God Bless.

Offline armed hiker

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Re: Brno Effect FS: Being a Cry Baby
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 06:07:53 PM »
So there they were all sitting around the board room at CZ and the head of sales said " If we don't sell one more Brno Effect FS then we will stop selling them". Or something like that.

Now we don't hold it against you that you were the one guy who wanted one and could have kept the line current but......................

lol. many of us would loved to have bought one but it was just not on the NEED list. Don't you worry though there will be good used ones out there as most of them sold did not get handed over to teenagers or used as truck guns.  Just a little harder to find and expect to pay more than current retail for a used one in a few years.

Lesson learned ( the one I have learned the hard way)
Do not hesitate when it is not
Readily available
exactly what you want.

there will be more out there the hunt just gets better. Good luck

Offline Striper Sniper

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Re: Brno Effect FS: Being a Cry Baby
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 08:53:24 PM »
I think my lgs has one in 30.06 that is either used or new old stock. I'll have to check to see if it's still there. They ship.

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Re: Brno Effect FS: Being a Cry Baby
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 10:08:29 PM »
I agree that the Brno Effect FS was an incredibly attractive rifle.  However, unfortunately, I just don't see it appealing to the an American firearms market which is probably why it was discontinued.  I would not hestitate to purchase a gently used or new old stock.  I don't think they will ever be a collectors gun but they are nice!

Offline Panoply

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Re: Brno Effect FS: Being a Cry Baby
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 11:25:57 PM »
So I'm not the only one!  Yay me?  lol

I appreciate it Striper Sniper but I'm unable to get one right now.  It'd be a few years (2?) before I could jump on it.  I'm still 'replacing' guns lost in Katrina (2005)!!!  Replacing is in those marks because I'm not buying the exact same guns as before.  Same types, I mean.  For instance, I do not have a scattergun AT ALL anymore.  Wll, I have an ancient Stevens side by side 20 that belonged to my grandfather but don't shoot it.  Two reasons:  it's sort of an heirloom AND once when I went to close it, it discharged!  Finger nowhere near trigger.  Thank God it happene to be pointing in a direction away from my friends, but still!  :o

That is my next 'need' and I am very much up in the air  as to what to get.  Maybe just a utility 12, I dig the 612 HC-P (silly name, tho) and the 612 Home Defense ain't bad (super price, too!).  The HC-P has a wicked look to it and I like the pistol grip and sights on it - and the rail is there in case I ever catch the gadget bug.  The Home Defense is more likely.  I don't do much trap shooting and don't hunt a bit so it might answer perfectly.  What did catch my eye was the very sinister Kel-Tec KSG.  It has only one purpose, however, and could in no way be versatile.  Since I'm unlikey to need to clear buildings of insurgents, they can keep it.  Super cool, though.

And yes, CZ HQ decides which firearms to produce based solely on what they think I might like!   :P

Later Alligators,
Be Well & God Bless.