I never even saw this sub forum - didn't realize there were other airgun nuts here. Like DenStinett, I have squirrel issues.

I built this PCP from a $49.00 Crosman 2240 a couple years back. Uses a HiPac air tube in place of C02 and I fill it from a scuba tank. I get 10 shots in the plateau with a 2500psi fill and averages about 690fps with 18gr pellets. The only thing left of the original 2240 is the tube below the riser block.
It has a Marauder trigger/grip assembly (I wish I could get triggers like that on my CZ), custom grips, Green Mountain 12" barrel, Disco valve, a power adjuster from someone I can't remember the name of now, riser from someone else whose name escapes me, steel breech from Crosman and a cheap 2-7x NCStar scope with the parallax adjusted to 25 yards. There's no AO so it's a manual reset and lock thing and makes it usable down to 10 yards.
I use .45 holes in targets for bullseyes and at 20 yards, the holes stay the same size. It's the most accurate pistol I own.

The first year I had it, I cleaned out 39 ground squirrels that were literally undermining the foundation of my house - no joke. And I topped that off with another 25 Norway rats the size of small Possums. No love lost there.
My longest one-shot kill was 54 yards (lasered). Right down the ear canal everytime. I take most of my shots from a rear shooting bag on my kitchen window sill. I know, great white hunter right?

The suppressor means they have no idea where it's coming from. It just lets out a little pffft. I built a carbine using the same basic components on a Crosman 2250 but it's got a Simmons 6.5-20x scope. It's not as accurate as the pistol.
