Yes, I can see .357 Sig for LEOs.
The problem I have seen, and my father was a LEO, is that for most there is simply not enough training, not enough practice, and not enough respect for shooting. Many come in not being shooters and never have a desire to become a shooter, though their life, and mine, could depend on it.
I also know that if I was on force that issued Glocks, I would try very hard to get a different gun approved for myself even if I had to buy it myself. I say that because, for me, the gun simply feels like a 2x4 and doesn't point naturally for me -- and it isn't just the different grip angle than a 1911 as I find a P-08 (Luger) to point well for me.
That is why, for me, the "best" pistols are 1911 and CZ75s (and clones).