Good article about the fading popularity of .40S&W ammo for law enforcement and civilian use.
Very interesting article. The article linked to at the end of the above article is very interesting, too.
There must be some reason why a nominally 9mm-diameter bullet has been the most popular handgun bullet size for a long time, well before today's advanced hollowpoint bullet technology:

And why, out of the above 9mms, the 9 Luger has been the world's most popular handgun cartridge, again prior to advances in seen in current hollowpoint bullet tecnology.
It seems that, putting economics and availability (in a normal market) aside, the edge for the 9 Luger is due to reduced free recoil energy. For example, the free recoil energy of the .40 S&W in a CZ 75 B and that of the .45 Auto in a CZ 97 B is 6.42 ft?lb, while that of the 9 Luger in a VZ 75 B is only 4.12 ft?lb, lower by 35.8%. You can't drop what you can't hit.
The big-bore advocates argument has always been that more range time will compensate for greater recoil. However, in a post-constitutional socialist market where ammo is expensive, if you can find it, the big-bore solution becomes impractical.