Author Topic: How to sight in a handgun  (Read 1234 times)

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How to sight in a handgun
« on: January 07, 2007, 01:57:00 PM »
Hello there! I am new to the handgun world. I have a question about sighting in the cz p40. What it the best way to do it? Benchrest, standing crouching...... and at what yardage? I am shooting pretty good at 25yds but I would like a tighter group. Any suggestions? Thanks...Jeff:  :D


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How to sight in a handgun
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 08:18:03 PM »
Use a benchrest (with your hands holding the gun resting on a sandbag, bag of rice, etc.)

Start at about 30 feet, slowly squeeze off your rounds.  Shoot 4-5 then assess.   (The idea is to make sure its the gun's performance that's being assessed, and not your shooting technique.)  

Adjust your sights with a brass punch or sight pusher.  Move the rear sight in the direction you want the point of impact to move to.

If you're getting good results at 10yds/30 feet, you can move out to 15-20 yards.  (Handguns can be used for greater distances, but generally, if you're going to use one in self-defense, its very likely that it'll be a lot closer than 20 yards.)

If you find, as you move out to 20 yards or so, that the gun is shooting too high or too low, either go to a different weight bullet (heavier = higher point of impact) or get CZ to send you a new rear sight, that is higher or lower.  You can tell them how far you're off at a specified distance.