Author Topic: 40P Feed Problems with Flat Points  (Read 2304 times)

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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« on: November 07, 2006, 06:52:43 PM »
Anyone else had this issue?

It feeds ball and hollow points without issue...

But two different brands of flat points cause feed issues.  All in all it isn't a big deal, no real need to feed flats, other than I have some laying around.


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 07:10:54 PM »
I have occasional issues with "truncated" bullets in my 40P.  I rarely use them, unless it's all the store has


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 09:51:40 PM »
I'm having feed problems with 180gr Blazer Brass. Who makes ball in .40 S&W?

hornsmoker -


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2006, 09:57:28 PM »
I normally reload all my 40... so I'm not sure.

I had some Remington Bulk and some Wolf .40 around which is what brought it up... All my reloads ran fine.


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2006, 12:23:20 PM »
Flats are the only .40 I can get around here other than PD ammo without paying way more.  My 40p did have a huge problem feeding them at first, as they have a habit of catching on the front of the magazine, but now, they feed fine.  I think if you shoot enough of them, they feed fine.  Dont ask me why.  You tell me and we'll both know.


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2006, 05:46:57 PM »
But two different brands of flat points cause feed issues. All in all it isn't a big deal, no real need to feed flats, other than I have some laying around.

What weight?  I've had no issues with the 155s and 165s and the best accuracy with them, unless I'm shooting my fullsize CZ 75B in .40.  It's preference is the 180s.


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2006, 08:19:05 PM »
I had probelms with Winchester, Silver Bear and Wolf truncated target loads.  It seem like the flat part of the point on the first 4 in the mag would be pushing flatly on the magazine or ramp, then the remaining rounds feed fine.  Of course, hollowpoints had the same fail to feed problem.  A quick re-rack would then feed the round.  

Anyway, spoke to a rep over the phone and emailed Mike at CZ.  The rep stated that the 40P was not designed to handle hollowpoints, because hollowpoints are not legal in Czech.  

I sent the 40P back; along with my new, unfired, P-01 which the trigger spring broke.  What a fiasco.  Not only did they not correct the problem, with the 40P, but they didn't seem to have done anything we talked about in the emails.  Although, they did manage to scratched the pistol, among other damages.  To add insult to injury, when I wrote back twice about the damaged pistol, I got a rude, non-apologetic email response to the second email; no response to the first.  I'm so irrate, that I have not responded yet.  

To give them credit, they did do a good job replacing the trigger spring in the P-01.  But then, a pistol that suppose to have such a great mean fail rate, fail before even firing a round.  Their explaination was that the pistol was only suppose to use the double action once, then it goes to single action.  I dry fired it in double action too much.  

They did offer a couple of magazine as compensation for the damage when I called them about another probelm with the return mailing.  Was planning on buying a SP-01, but given my bad experience, I've changed my mind.  Well, enough venting; it's not the subject of this post.  

Bottom line is that the 40P was not designed to take hollwpoints.  


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2006, 09:13:22 PM »
Mine feeds everything I have put 300 rounds of WWB Hp and WWB FMJ with never a hiccup. But I think I am going to trade it in on a Glock because even though mine has been 100% I hear nothing but problems out of these 40P's which worries me because I purchased it just to put away in a BOB in case the SHTF senerio ever happened here. BTW anyone want a like new 40P that was manufactured in 06.


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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2006, 10:52:44 PM »
Hmmm, I dunno about all that.. I love my 40P and can't really say I've had any problems with it... The Bulk UMC flat bullets didn't feed well, but all my hollow points both factory and hand loads ran fine.  For that matter Wolf flats ran OK too.

Beyond that I did polish the feed ramp a bit and even the UMC stuff seems to be working now.

It's really hard to be too tough on a gun in the first few 100 rounds anyway.

Since I've broken in my 40P it's been as good as any other CZ I've ever owned.

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40P Feed Problems with Flat Points
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2006, 10:47:49 AM »
I really like my 40P but I am having the same problems feeding the truncated bullets. I was shooting the WWB and after about 150-200 rds it seemed to do ok. I went out yesterday and had 100 rds of Wolf and had the same problems all aver again. All the bullets seem to want to nose dive into the ramp too low to move up into the barrel. Sometimes I could go through a whole mag without any problems. The last two mags I went thtough I turned the mags upside down and taped them on the counter trying to set the bullets in the up position before loading the mag into the pistol, this seemed to work ok as I didn't have any problems on those. I have polished the ramp so don't think this is the problem. Next trip to the range I will try the WWB again.