So, I have a VZ2008. Let me explain what I see as the issues, in my patented long-winded fashion.
So, you just got a VZ2008. Upon getting it, you notice that the "crisp 5 pound trigger" is anything but crisp, and closer to 12 pounds. Also, you notice that your bolt catches when putting the gun back together or riding the bolt home, meaning you have to either slam the bolt(assembling), or not ride the bolt(any other time). You later learn this is a symptom of not having a "tabbed carrier," and that the "VZ gremlin" may or may not strike you.
You later learn that the "VZ gremlin" allegedly, even if it doesn't strike now, will strike as the gun wears, whether that be a week or twenty years down the road. Better get that fixed. But no one seems to be able to fix it. obiwanbonjovi used to weld on tabs on bolt carriers, but(understandably) is too busy at the moment. Bonesteel(I think the same person as obiwanbonjovi) used to sell bolt carriers with the tab, but no longer. You can buy a bolt carrier from czechpoint with the tab included, but they don't weld that bit on.
There are two alternatives to getting a tabbed bolt carrier:
1. Monkeying with the disconnect spring. But this causes it to wear faster.
2. Buying a expensive disconnect from
But if you get the disconnecter from, you can't use the excellent fire control group offered by bonesteelarms.
On the other hand, I had read that in this rifle, it is not the sear, but the striker spring(a part unrelated to the fcg), that affects trigger pull.
Do I try to improve the trigger with the bonesteel fire control group?
Do I try to fix the gremlin issue with the vzrifle disconnector?
Do I attempt to lessen the trigger pull with a new spring?
Am I completely wrong about these issues?
What have most of y'all done?