I set up two targets, one at 7yds and one at 10 yards with multiple small targets on each.
I brought 133PF 124gr JHP bullet loads and 1165 fps 124hbrn loads to test the pistol.
I shot at the 7yd target first---multiple 2" red stick-on bulls.
The group was within 2" , but two-three inches to the right. I looked at the sights and found:
Problem #1. The rear site was skewed right maybe 1/8" overhanging the slide. One light tap with the brass rod and the slide moved too far left. I tapped it back approx. center and shot again. Hit the two inch bulls with a shot or two., and the sight moved.
I could push the dovetail sight 1/4" with thumb pressure.
I shot some more (checking the rear sight often) and my trigger finger was getting sore on the pad and on the bottom side.
Problem #2 - the grip safety. The grip safety is NOT smooth like on a 1911. After quite a bit of force, it "pops" (AUDIBLY) into the frame.
If your grip moves/relaxes it will come back out just a little bit. The trigger pull weight seems to increase/rub as the safety retracts until finally, it won't fire.
The pistol actually has a long reach to the trigger (as long or longer than a CZ 75B in DA). I have a short fat trigger finger. This made a Perfect Storm for trouble with the pull. I had to consciously squeeze hard 100% of the time shooting to keep the safety disengaged. This screwed up my trigger press. After 20-30 shots my finger needed a rest.
The trigger pull is very heavy (pure guess = 10+# and very rough) when it's not carefully pressed exactly stright back. The left side of the black trigger showed the finish worn off to shiny metal. It is very rough in the pull. The trigger guard is small---just slightly bigger than my trigger finger. As the trigger was pulled the bottom of my finger rubbed the trigger guard
The grip safety strap sticks up past the grip surface and moves easily back to a l m o s t flush with the frame as the slack takes up, THEN it takes a firm press to disengage the safety with a "POP". There is zero extra safety thickness to ensure it remains off when gripped. Two layers of grip tape on that strap, might make it easier to shoot. I don't know.
I shot about 60-70 rds, resting my hand and trigger finger periodically. The gun shoots to point of aim at 10 yards---not bad at all. Standing unsupported with two hands and being careful, I could hit inside 2" x 2" tape at 10 yards---until the rear sight moved.
Epic part B>
1. Ejections were straight right from the ejection port and landed 6-12 feet away depending on which load was being fired.
2. The pistol points fine. The three dot sights are very distinct and easy to use. I used the TOP of the sights and hit -1" from POA at these distances.
3. The two 7-rd magazines ran smoothly and dropped fine.
4. Ambidextrous mag releases: Right side hard to depress. Left side smooth.
5. Muzzle flip was not bad at all. I shot strong hand and weakhand with both loads with good hits. I did get two instances of "limp-wrist" where one case jammed and another just "fell" out of the port. All likely my fault being used to heavier weight pistols almost impossible to limp-wrist.
I still like the Pedersen action and found it very functional in this short experience.
I think the trigger and safety both need work. If the grip safety was smoother and more reliable and the trigger was made to pull smoothly at 6#, I would like the pistol. As-is, I'm not happy.