First off my 22 year old son Zachary is the web site designer and I call him tech support. He also disassembles, repairs, and assembles firearms. He also does the art worK design for camo patterns
and cuts them with our vinyl cutter which is simply an over sized ink jet printer that cuts patterns based off what you tell it to do from your computer. My son David and the one I call my adopted one -Devon help with media blasting de-greasing and racking the parts for coating. They are also now learning dis-assembly and assembly of the firearms and both boys shoot IDPA now with me. I coat the firearms and disassemble and assemble as well as handle gunsmithing work and all email and most of the phone calls.. There are three other young men Enrigue , Forrest or as we call him FO and Ryan who are employed on a part time basis when the volume of firearms is to heavy. We ship refinished firearms across the USA. I also have a program for gunshops for volume work we offer different levels of discounts based on the volume of firearms coming in each month. We are handling refinishing for 16 guns shops in Pa . NJ, NY, and Virginia. I simply can't do this on my own or take total credit for the work - I forgot to mention my wife Cynthia who handles all the billing and accounting.
Yesterday we got another 17 inches of snow so much for global warming and we are getting another 1 to 3 inches today and Mon thru Tues we are getting some more. So getting back onthe range in the next few days with the P120's ain't gonna happen! On the bright side The T1 discos should arrive from Cajun today or tomorrow and I should get my .140 and .170 tall Dawson sights by Monday with the rest coming by the end of next week. That will as allow me some time to fit the disco's and put lower front sights on for the next range session.
It is a team effort here at EFR to turn out the firearms that you see in the pictures and because these young men do such a good job working for me I always reward them . They have all become decent safe pistol shooters at my expense and I enjoy my range time with them. If it would stop snowing we would be getting more range time, but March is around the corner and we should be able to get in some training before our first outdoor match for IDPA this year.