So I decided to install the safeties in the gun for the heck of it to see how fitment was and how much I screwed things up. Surprisingly, once the safeties were in the gun; there is no play on the fitment of the LS in notch of the RS. Am I good to go here?
Pictures installed:
I have not made any fitting adjustments to the portion of the LS that interfaces with the sear. Function checking the safety: The safety will not engage when the hammer is down, the safety positively engages and will not let the hammer fall when the hammer is fully cocked.
The safety will engage if the hammer is in the half cock position; is this last part normal?From looking at the safety and sear interaction as the trigger is pulled (from the hammer down position) it looks like filing the face of the hook (red area in the picture below) would be the only fitting needed so that as the sear moves as the trigger cocks it and finally at the last portion before the hammer falls there is no interference from the safety on the movement of the sear throughout the trigger pull. Correct? Filing the blue area does not seem to have any effect on the interface between the sear and the safety when the safety is off and the trigger is being pulled from the hammer down position... If I were to be really specific it is more like the area right between the red and blue draw marks I made on the picture below that needs to be filed while still keeping that corners profile.