When I bought my Sp01 (safety model) back in October my plan was to give the shooting sports a try. I wanted to make it into a competition gun that was legal for IPDA SSP/ESP and USPSA Production so everything I have done was geared toward being legal.
The gun had about 500 rounds through it before I took it apart. I originally wanted to smooth the action and install all the upgrade parts at the same time, but I got bored and was poor. So I tore into it previously, and smoothed the action before I ever ordered the parts so the base line numbers are on a slightly used gun with a smoothed action following the instructions on this forum.
Parts added:
CZC Comp hammer
11lb recoil spring
CGW type 2 disconnector
CGW adjustable sear
CGW reduced power trigger return spring
CGW Floating trigger pin
CGW EZ-Drift sights
I installed the mods in parts and took DA and SA measurements after most of them to see how much each mod actually effect the trigger pulls. All measurements were taken with a Lyman digital gauge and the average of at least 5 trigger pulls with most of them the average of 10.
Base line:
DA 11 lbs 5.5 oz. SA 5 lbs 7 oz.
Installed 11lb recoil and Blue 13 lbs hammer spring:
DA 9 lbs 4.5oz SA 5 lbs 2.5 oz.
SRS kit (Extended firing pin, fp spring, fpb spring, FP retaining pin)
DA: Oops I forgot SA 4 lbs 9.5 oz
CGW Disco and CZC Comp hammer installed
DA 8 lbs 8 oz. SA 4 lbs 7 oz.
Adjustable sear plus the firing pin block lifter and spring from the SRS kit (I only took the sear cage apart once):
DA 8 lbs 3.5 oz. SA 4 lbs 4 oz.
11lb Black hammer spring instead of the 13 lbs:
DA 6 lbs 9 oz. SA 3 lbs 11 oz.
Everything above with the Reduce power trigger spring:
DA 6 lbs 4 oz. SA 3 lbs 1 oz.
EDIT: Trigger pull weights a year later are now DA 5 lbs 9 ounces and SA 2 lbs 13 ounces. The past year included a full summer of IDPA, multiple range sessions in-between, and a very recently 85 C trigger install.
EDIT #2: The CGW Type 2 disconnector was replaced by a hand fitted Type 1 for the shortest SA reset possible. The Type 2 ended up in my Israeli Surplus Compact D.
I put 200 rounds through it the other day before I put the CGW trigger spring in. When I cleaned it from that range trip I put in the spring and took the measurements again. All 200 rounds were flawless. Well actually 199 since I was using some reloads and one was a complete dud, but that wasn't the guns fault.
Overall impressions of the swap were great. Each one on its own made a nice improvement in the DA/SA trigger of the gun. The Comp hammer and the disco didn't change the numbers a lot, but the smoothness and feel of the trigger in both DA and SA was huge. I hear many people talk about how tough it is to get the pins in/out of the hammer/sear/hammer strut, and I had the CGW Starter punch and some new pins and it was cake. The biggest PITA of the whole install was actually the sights. The rear would not budge and eventually had to be clamped into a vise and use a bigger brass punch to remove the stock night sight.
And since every thread is better with pictures ...here the SP01: