I was going to post a separate thread, but this may be a good add-on here.
I just ordered a CZCustom Competition Hammer for my CZ 75 BD Police. But I was wondering how this new IDPA rule would apply to SSP versus ESP: Magazine releases, slide stops, safety levers, de-cocking levers, hammers, and triggers, that are stock on one SSP legal firearm may be used on another SSP legal firearm from the same manufacturer provided they are drop in replacements. Parts in this list must come factory installed on standard production firearms. Special parts that are available installed only from a factory custom shop are not eligible in SSP. Effective 04/01/2014.
1) Is this hammer stock on one of the factory pistols
2) If the said pistol is built by CZCustom but advertised on CZ-USA website, how does this apply.
I really don't know alot about how this works as I'm new to IDPA and CZ's.
Bottom line, should I compete in SSP or ESP, once I drop my hammer in.
By the way, I'm super excited about this gun!