I have a surplus CZ-83 that I have had around for a while and have not shot much. I finally have been shooting it more.
I went to sight it in and put the pistol on a rest and carefully and slowly squeezed the trigger. Every once in a while, when in single action mode, the hammer would not let off, but returned to what was like a double action mode (lots of resistance back in the trigger and I had to pull the heavy trigger to get the hammer to let off. The hammer stay mostly back the whole time). I have a hard time replicating this, but it does happen once every magazine if I squeeze slowly. If I snap off rounds quickly, the trigger/hammer works fine.

Any thoughts? Is this normal? Any one seen this problem before?
BTW, really enjoying the CZ-83. It is ridiculously accurate. A real fine range gun and carry gun in a pinch.