Well I still had not received a shipping label from Century Arms. I had decided to go onto two other sites that I'm a member of and asked members whom had the stingrays to see if their barrels look like mine. So far out of all the responses I have gotten "13- yes your barrel looks like mine" and "2- no mine doesn't look like that". In looking more closely at my barrel I can see that, although not as pronounced as on the bottom, the top of my barrel had just about the same amount of "free bore" before the lands really started. I decided screw it, lets go to the range and just see.
I set up for 2 hand standing shooting at the 10-12 yard line and shot a full magazines worth at the X on a silhouette target. This is the group I got:
(ignore my friend's hand in the photo, he was covering a couple bullet holes he had made on my target when shooting at the 8 above....he wasn't having the best shooting day)
Conclusion, the gun is plenty accurate. It was definitely me and not the firearm since sight picture was surprisingly hard to maintain through the long trigger pull. What seemed very easy in dryfire (with Azoom snap caps) was tricky at the actual range. It made me miss my Glock's short trigger travel lol....blasphemy right?!
I will NOT be sending this firearm back to the manufacturer and will notify them tomorrow that I will be keeping my firearm and will notify them if any problems arise during the 1year warranty period. Needless to say, I love this little gun and it is stupidly easy to control. There is almost NO recoil. It's insane. I ended up putting 128 rounds through it today. They were mix and match of plinking and defensive ammo. It fed everything, extracted and ejected robustly, and fired true. Yep, I love this little Stingray!
Thanks again to the members that responded to my questions via PM. You really helped put me at ease. I've already been browsing CGW's site to see what they offer for this little monster.