Author Topic: P07 so far  (Read 1238 times)

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Offline M1A4ME

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P07 so far
« on: April 09, 2014, 05:17:46 PM »
I got it.  I shot it.  I liked it well enough to order a 9MM top end "kit" for it.  I also ordered 2 P09 9MM magazines for it.

I've ordered 3 P07 .40 S&W magazines and got them a week ago.

Today I ordered a 9MM P07 magazine.

I got to thinking maybe, to go along with the 9MM top end I should have a dedicated (to it) slide stop.  So I ordered one of them.  I got to thinking that the barrels might be different enough to accelerate wear on the slide stop if I switched back and forth between the 9MM and .40 S&W.

Now, give me a couple/three months to pay off the credit card a little and then I plan to order a 9MM barrel and see if I can get it rechambered to .357 SIG (I have lots of .357 SIG ammo loaded up for the other guns the P07 is convincing me to stop shooting and sell.

I did noticed one difference between the 9MM and .40 S&W recoil springs/guide rods/slides.  The 9MM unit does not have a "captured" spring and the hole in the end of the slide is too small to allow me to replace it with one.  I'm supposing the captured spring modification is a later one and that slide/barrel/etc. is an older unit.

Anyway, I got the slide "kit" but no magazines, yet.  If I get the magazines I may have to go shooting this weekend to see how the P07 does with all that 9MM ammo I have loaded up (147 grain lead, 147 grain HP, 124 grain HP).

Now, off to move the washer/dryer so we have a place to put the new washer and dryer.  This "fun" went south real quick, didn't it.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Firemanjones

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Re: P07 so far
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 07:53:07 PM »
  This "fun" went south real quick, didn't it.

Doesn't always?
Safety First
Living the dream, driving a Fire Engine RETIRED shooting my Guns in FL and the Mountains of NC and visiting family in Mannheim.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: P07 so far
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 07:24:51 PM »
Well, I got a 16 round 9MM magazine for the P07 today. 

While I was loading it up (load up all the new ones and let them sit, seems to help the spring loosen up a bit) I got to thinking it was about the same size as my 3.8" XDM 9MM magazine.

I went and got the XDM out of its hidey hole and laid the P07 and XDM down side by side on the table.  You know, they are basically the same size.  XDM slide a tad longer.  Hammer back on the P07 makes it a tad longer though.  Frame about the same with magazines in, though the XDM sticks down a little longer with that finger rest/extension thing on the magazine.

Anyway, about the same size, but the P07 holds 16 in the magazine and the XDM holds 13.  My wife "confiscated" my 3.8 XDM after shooting it side by side  with my two M&Ps.  It/she outshot both the XDMs and she like the feel better in her hand, and the trigger was better on the XDM than on the M&Ps.

I'm going to have to get her to the range again to see if she might want to trade the XDM on a P07 9MM.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?