Author Topic: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?  (Read 6923 times)

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Offline shadling

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As dedicated Kadets have been discontinued and Kadet kits are unobtainium, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?  I've shot a 75B w/ Kadet kit, and I liked everything about it.  I'd say my requirements for a .22 pistol would be similiar heft so a steel frame, adjustable sights, and DA/SA.  Currently I'm not really interested in learning a new platform like the 1911 but I'll certainly consider the opinion of the community.

Offline steerclr

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2014, 07:28:41 PM »
Ruger MKIII would be worth considering.  Extremely reliable, accurate, and a bunch of aftermarket accessories for them.  Available in different configurations and barrel lengths. I have the variation that is the 22/45, but it has a polymer frame and may not have the heft you are looking for.

Offline Rickytick

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2014, 07:41:00 PM »
Ruger SR22 adjustable  rear sight, easy to break down and clean, accurate. I have 500 to 600 rounds (all CCI mini mags)  zero problems. I talked a female acquaintance to try one and she loves hers. Shoot one if you can , I am sure you will like it too.

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Offline boosted23

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2014, 09:43:19 PM »
Browning has a wonderful trigger and great accuracy. The rugers are excellent too. You cant go wrong with them. Another one that is actually good too but needs trigger work is the neos u22. I have a 6" model. You can change them from 4"-6"-8" bull barrels, weaver rail on top, can purchase the carbine kit for it. Also eats any .22lr I throw at it.

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Offline 1SOW

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2014, 10:48:04 PM »
#1.  S&W model 41
#2.  As the others said plus the High Standard Comp. models--especially the older ones.

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2014, 10:56:10 PM »
What about the EAA witness? They make .22 conversions for their steel frames, same platform as CZ. Anyone know if they are any good ??? ???
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Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2014, 11:07:34 PM »
If you shoot a CZ and are looking for something to train with then wait for the Kadet kit. The Ruger and Brownings a great guns but very different and will not enhance muscle memory. If you are looking for a target 22, a suppressor host, or just a fun plinker then the Ruger or browning are excellent choices. Both are good out of the box and have plenty of aftermarket parts to make them excellent. Since you mentioned adjustable sights I will say I was disappointed with the ones on my Browning. Dang thing moves in its mount even after I shimmed it. Plan on going with a rail and red dot (and a suppressor someday) so no big deal but the adjustable sights on my 38 year old Ruger Mark 1 Target are still rock solid.

Of the three the Kadet is my favorite.
CZ Fanbot since 1996

Offline Radom

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Re: If I can't get a Kadet, what's a good second choice for a .22 pistol?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2014, 11:44:30 PM »
The Kadet Kits have always been big sellers for CZ.  I would be shocked if they didn't manufacture them again in the future. 

CZ-UB (and most other manufacturers) don't make every single model in every year.  They don't have the production capacity, and constantly switching over to other models kills Q.C.  Certain CZ products "dry up" from time to time.  Considering how hard it is to find .22LR ammunition right now, this may not be a big deal anyway.

Personally, I really don't understand what dedicated .22 LR pistols are supposed to achieve, unless it is just the fun and lower expense of shooting them.  (Not saying that isn't valid, I'm just saying that would seem to be their only function/purpose.)  If you hold out for the Kadet Kit, at least you will have the training benefit that AZ_CZ mentioned. 

The only .22 handgun I've ever owned (still do) is a Jana Bison SAA clone from W. Germany. It is one of many el-cheapo SAA clones with both a .22LR and .22 Magnum cylinder that have been made in Europe ever since WWII.  My father bought it used over there in 1966 from another NCO for $5 cash, with a lot of ammo thrown in.  It's just about the worst.  It only groups with expensive .22LR, if at all, and it has never grouped with any .22 Magnums we have found.  Factor in gate-loading and the difficulty in cleaning it, and you have a born loser.  I mention it only because I suspect that it soured me on .22 handguns for life. 
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Offline boosted23

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Radom, you want to have fun with a .22lr then I suggest a ruger charger .22lr. Its a 10/22 chopped down to 10" barrel and loses the butt stock. I shoot the piss out of mine as does everyone else that comes across it. Lol
this is it stock form
this is it now with archangel stock.

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Offline bobanddog

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#1.  S&W model 41
#2.  As the others said plus the High Standard Comp. models--especially the older ones.

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Offline 1SOW

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 ;D  You got that right Bob!  ;)

Offline Hurryin Hoosier

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Get a Ruger Mark III and you get a free expansion of your vocabulary. The first time you field-strip it and try to put it back together, you'll start using words that you didn't even realize you knew!   ;D

Offline 1SOW

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Army,  I bought a Mark II for my son many years ago.  You are right on the mark-fire at will. ;)
Good pistol though.


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Get a Ruger Mark III and you get a free expansion of your vocabulary. The first time you field-strip it and try to put it back together, you'll start using words that you didn't even realize you knew!   ;D

No need for a Mark III of a Mark II as my Mark I is still going strong after 44 years.   :)  The trick to re-assembly is remembering the 45 degree angle.
