VZ.58 Carbine Project
SBR (Short Barrel Rile) Build update:
Perhaps others can learn something from this.
It has been 8 months since I filed my Form 1 (Manufacture of a firearm - required for an SBR) with the BATF for a tax stamp. At the same time I also filed a Form 4 (NFA item). I filed for both of these as an individual and NOT through a Firearm Trust (
Unfortunately both ATF Forms were returned last month for incorrect/incomplete filing. Why? My Sheriff's office has the Chief Deputy sign these documents on behalf of the Sheriff. ATF forms (not for a Firearm Trust) must be signed by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (LEO). Unfortunately the Chief Deputy did not put the Sheriffs name and write "by" above his signature, which would have prevented these Forms from being returned.
Lesson learned:
Don't assume that the Sheriff's office is completing the ATF Form correctly. Check and double check their work before sending your forms into the ATF. Since the Forms were returned the Sherrif signed them himself, and they were resubmitted to the ATF for approval. The NFA (Form 4) tax stamp was approved and received. However, per my phone call this morning with the ATF the manufacturers (Form 1) tax stamp is still being processed in ATF's Martinsburg WV office. I explained that I had recieved my Form 4 stamp which was submitted at the same time, and the response I got from the agent was
"It all depends who is working on it." So, if the ATF agent processing your form is peering out from behind a 3 foot stack of applications, and happens to be out sick with the flu for a week, your application is going to sit? Really, is it luck of draw, so to speak?
I find this whole situation strange, because a local friend of mine had his ATF Forms completed by the same Chief at the same Sheriffs office,
and I assume, in the same manner, yet his Forms did not get returned.
Lesson #2 learned:
Processing time for ATF Forms greatly depend on the processing agent assigned to process your paperwork, and there is nothing (to my knowledge) you can do to influence this. Note on owning buttstocks during the waiting period.
According to the ATF owning a stock capable and intended to to install on this firearm is not allowed until the Form 1 and TAX stamp is issued. Don't know how to get around this since I have multiple VZ buttstocks from and for other long gun projects on the shelf.
The specific stock for this project has not yet been acquired and the back plate and sling swivel on the back of this pistol is still intact as is
the weld has not been cut. In other words, it is not yet possible to install a buttstock on this gun without removing the weld and adding a suitable adapter or buttock already adapted to fit. So as far as intent, I believe that I am well within the law.
Another set of issues I have been "edge-u-micated" on during this project, is the morass of interpretations regarding 922R compliance, specifically in regards to converting a legally imported foreign manufacture pistol and converting it to an SBR under a Form 1. This is a topic that is already coming up on this website within the EVO Forum, and I will be watching it closely. (esp. since someone posted that CZ has asked for a BATF opinion on the EVO3 S1 SBR -- however I don't know if that is hearsay, wishful thinking, or truth). IMO some manufacturers are hesitant to ask the ATF for opinion, because a response in the negative pretty much shuts those projects down, and as is empirically proved there are often confusing and conflicting opinions and definitions from the BATF.
I have had several email exchanges with the manufacturer's importer on 922R compliance, specifically in regards to the VZ.58 762 Pistol. There is a lot of information I can share, but this post is long enough. After reviewing the information and opinions from the importer have done some of my own research and have decided to take the chicken-shiza way out. I have recently worked down to limit configuration of 10 imported parts (actually 9, giving me muzzle break flexibility) for on this project. Needless to say, sacrifices and trade-offs have been made.
Perhaps a separate future post detailing that topic.
Syllabification: in?fringe
verb (infringes, infringing, infringed)
Act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on: his legal rights were being infringed
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.Must be referring to muskets!