Author Topic: Project "C-100" how to smooth a Tristar/Canik Long thread lots of pictures!  (Read 181168 times)

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Offline Brawny

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Ok, I'll compromise. I'll dry fire it first :)

Offline terry mc

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I agree at least dry fire it first as the DA on the stock gun is pretty much deplorable.
Then when you do the springs, and hopefully a little polish you will be amazed how much better it will be.
Terry Mc
Gloss Blue CZ-97BE-SAO

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Offline Brawny

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I read a little bit of this thread every day. Don't let it end!

Offline Brawny

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Re: Project "C-100" how to smooth a Tristar/Canik Long thread lots of pictures!
« Reply #78 on: February 06, 2016, 06:20:13 PM »
Did the trigger spring switcheroo and everything went smoothly. Thanks Terry!

Offline terry mc

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Re: Project "C-100" how to smooth a Tristar/Canik Long thread lots of pictures!
« Reply #79 on: February 06, 2016, 08:08:55 PM »
Terry Mc
Gloss Blue CZ-97BE-SAO

CZ Scorpion CZ Custom Trigger Pack, Streamlight TLR-1HL Primary Arms MD-ADS

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Offline SanAntonioRocks

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Re: Project "C-100" how to smooth a Tristar/Canik Long thread lots of pictures!
« Reply #80 on: February 09, 2016, 09:54:27 PM »
Thanks guys glad you are enjoying it.
Tomorrow Stage 2 hammer and sear kit.

flying brass,
I know what you mean, first I was waiting for parts then I up and decided to change guns so I started the wait over again.
Patience and in the end it will be worth it.

See you guys tomorrow, good night all,

Wow! That looks beautiful and the drop in pull is very impressive!
How much did this spring mod part of the project set you back???

Will be reading your follow-on mods with great interest!

« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 10:10:34 PM by SanAntonioRocks »

Offline terry mc

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Re: Project "C-100" how to smooth a Tristar/Canik Long thread lots of pictures!
« Reply #81 on: February 10, 2016, 10:14:16 AM »
The Springs are cheap $17 for the springs, and $5 for the firing pin retaining pin so that you can replace with new.
Here is a link.

I hope you enjoy the gun and the modification process.
I really recommend the polishing also if you are mechanically inclined, it really makes the trigger pull much smoother.
Keep us up to speed on your progress Roger!
Terry Mc
Gloss Blue CZ-97BE-SAO

CZ Scorpion CZ Custom Trigger Pack, Streamlight TLR-1HL Primary Arms MD-ADS

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Offline SanAntonioRocks

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Re: Project "C-100" how to smooth a Tristar/Canik Long thread lots of pictures!
« Reply #82 on: February 12, 2016, 10:06:36 PM »
The Springs are cheap $17 for the springs, and $5 for the firing pin retaining pin so that you can replace with new.
Here is a link.

I hope you enjoy the gun and the modification process.
I really recommend the polishing also if you are mechanically inclined, it really makes the trigger pull much smoother.
Keep us up to speed on your progress Roger!

Thank you.

Offline Jedman7

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Terry MC,

Is there a way for me to lighten the DA pull of my C100 without buying all the extra stuff you have listed in the first post?  I don't want to replace the trigger that came with my C100, nor the hammer, etc.  But it would be nice to get the DA trigger pull down.  Are there just springs that can be swapped out?  How difficult would this be?

Thanks for any help you provide,

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
TriStar T120 & C100

Offline terry mc

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Terry MC,

Is there a way for me to lighten the DA pull of my C100 without buying all the extra stuff you have listed in the first post?  I don't want to replace the trigger that came with my C100, nor the hammer, etc.  But it would be nice to get the DA trigger pull down.  Are there just springs that can be swapped out?  How difficult would this be?

Thanks for any help you provide,


Hi Frank,
The best step for getting the double action down in weight is to do the spring kit.
That will get you about an 8 1/2 lb. DA trigger with nothing else.
If you do the polish and the springs only those two items will net you around 7 1/2 lb. DA trigger.
Since the stock has been measured at nearly 18 lbs for DA, that is a huge jump.

The springs will make it lighter, polishing will make it even lighter still and make the trigger so much smoother.
It takes all the grittiness out of the stock trigger.

You will still have some camming of the hammer which is that little bit of increased pressure at the end of the trigger stroke, but the rest of the feel is just like butter when polished.

The hammer gets rid of the camming issue so that is why I did it and the sear as a seperate stage.

Let me know if you have any more questions, we are all here to help one another.

These are cheap modifications and not that difficult if you are mechanically inclined.

Terry Mc.
Terry Mc
Gloss Blue CZ-97BE-SAO

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Offline Jedman7

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Thanks for the reply.  I have a T120 and a C100.  Where do I get the spring kits for each of these?  Is the installation process the same with both firearms?  Also, does this affect the safety of the gun in any way?


"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
TriStar T120 & C100

Offline terry mc

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Thanks for the reply.  I have a T120 and a C100.  Where do I get the spring kits for each of these?  Is the installation process the same with both firearms?  Also, does this affect the safety of the gun in any way?


Here is the link I sent another member
The Springs are cheap $17 for the springs, and $5 for the firing pin retaining pin so that you can replace with new.
Here is a link.

I hope you enjoy the gun and the modification process.
I really recommend the polishing also if you are mechanically inclined, it really makes the trigger pull much smoother.
Keep us up to speed on your progress Roger!

As far as safety, you still have the Firing Pin Block and the safety still fully functional so you should be good.
I have put thousands of rounds through my C100 since doing all the work on it, and it has been extremely reliable, only 2 misfires due to hard primers in over 4000 rounds so that would be .05%! They were from the same box of ammo and I have not had one since.

They should be the same install on both. The only ones that are different are the ambi safety models and the polymer Caniks which are a totally different design.
Terry Mc
Gloss Blue CZ-97BE-SAO

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Offline Jedman7

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Great.  Again, appreciate the reply.
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
TriStar T120 & C100

Offline NineN10mm

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Hello,  I'm new here.  I own and modified an SP-01 Tactical with decocker, a 75B.   Just bought a C-100 recently.

on the C-100, once I took the original Hammer Spring off, it is very hard to put it back on while inserting the small lip of the flat metal piece.  I've settled on the black 11.5# HS from CGW.  But before that, the little lip actually got bended nearly straight out with the force of the original spring (I didn't have a third hand to slip in the pin). 

Judging on how it works, I decided to shear off the lip on that flat metal.  I rationalize that as long as I can slip it into the tight crevice all the way down, it'd be ok, since the mag will pressure it against the frame anyway.

Am I correct ?

The SP-01 and 75B are easy to slip in the hook/latching lip.  But the C-100 was really tight, and I can't see the justification to actually have it latched in.

Offline terry mc

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I have basically done the same thing.
The way it comes is with the tab wrapped around the pin, and it is a bear to try and get it straight and to rewrap around the pin.
I left a little bit of the tab to keep it more secure, but I did trim mine as well.

When the tab is completely gone, I have had the magazine brake pop loose and block a magazine on a CZ before so I leave as much material as I can.
However the C100 is really tight on this fit, so I doubt it would happen on the Canik/Tristar but anything is possible.

Terry Mc
Gloss Blue CZ-97BE-SAO

CZ Scorpion CZ Custom Trigger Pack, Streamlight TLR-1HL Primary Arms MD-ADS

CZ75 Shadow 9mm SAO


CZ TS2 Blue

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