Terry MC,
Is there a way for me to lighten the DA pull of my C100 without buying all the extra stuff you have listed in the first post? I don't want to replace the trigger that came with my C100, nor the hammer, etc. But it would be nice to get the DA trigger pull down. Are there just springs that can be swapped out? How difficult would this be?
Thanks for any help you provide,
Hi Frank,
The best step for getting the double action down in weight is to do the spring kit.
That will get you about an 8 1/2 lb. DA trigger with nothing else.
If you do the polish and the springs only those two items will net you around 7 1/2 lb. DA trigger.
Since the stock has been measured at nearly 18 lbs for DA, that is a huge jump.
The springs will make it lighter, polishing will make it even lighter still and make the trigger so much smoother.
It takes all the grittiness out of the stock trigger.
You will still have some camming of the hammer which is that little bit of increased pressure at the end of the trigger stroke, but the rest of the feel is just like butter when polished.
The hammer gets rid of the camming issue so that is why I did it and the sear as a seperate stage.
Let me know if you have any more questions, we are all here to help one another.
These are cheap modifications and not that difficult if you are mechanically inclined.
Terry Mc.