Author Topic: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags  (Read 14688 times)

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Offline TJNewton

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Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« on: June 05, 2014, 06:27:09 PM »
The 7-pocket type 63 Chinese chest rigs work well to carry VZ mags.  The pockets aren't deep enough, but if you loop in a ponytail hair tie it stretches and fastens, holding the flap over the mags.  Retention is excellent and removal is quick.  Below is one for sale on Amazon, and Ebay routinely has vendors selling them at good prices.  A clip-buckle for the back straps make it so that you don't have to bother with tying a knot behind your back, especially if you're bigger than most of the Chinese soldiers these were designed for.

Offline RSR

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 10:49:42 PM »
Type 63 Chest Rig is for the Type 63/68 rifle -- a 20 round mag AK/SKS hybrid (AK bolt in SKS frame) used by the Chinese, ultimately unsuccessful and they reverted back to the type 56 SKS.

Wikipedia has the history:
From its introduction in 1956, the Type 56/SKS remained the workhorse of the People's Liberation Army for 30 years. In 1968, the army was briefly re-equipped with the unsuccessful Type 63 automatic rifle, which had been intended to combine the sustained firepower of China's first AK variant (confusingly called the "Type 56 assault rifle") with the precise semi-automatic fire of the SKS/Type 56 carbine and replace both of those separate weapons. However, by the mid-1970s, all manner of problems were plaguing the type 63 rifle. Troops clamored to be given back their carbines, which had been redistributed to local militia units, and the army staff abandoned the Type 63 and returned the Type 56 carbine (SKS) and Type 56 assault rifle (AK) to service. The standard practice was for squad leaders and assistant squad leaders to carry an assault rifle and for most other soldiers to carry a carbine, so that a front-line infantry squad fielded two assault rifles, two light machine guns, and seven carbines. However, after the beginning of China's 1979 border war with Vietnam, combat units found that the carbine's capacity for long-range precision fire was wasted in the mountain jungles of the border region and units were hastily re-equipped with assault rifles. Guns of the AK family (including both the Chinese army?s Type 56 auto and the Vietnamese army?s AK-47s and AKM) are for structural reasons relatively inaccurate, and because the Chinese army has historically favored precision fire (despite always having weapons ill-suited to that task), the Sino-Vietnamese war directly hastened development of the PLA?s Type 81 automatic rifle. By the time border conflict broke out again between China and Vietnam in 1983, the Chinese military had already been completely re-equipped with their more accurate, precise Type 81 auto.

Type 56 Assault Rifle CR (also type 56 SKS for stripperr clips) is what the VietCong would have used with the VZ58 in Vietnam and fits AK mags, so should also VZ w/o modification:

Type 81 CR, which I have does fit VZ58 mags and has 4 mag pouches instead of 3.  The 2 side under pit pouches hold 40 rounds on stripper clips.  So that's 150 rounds in mags (1 in the rifle) and 80 on stripper clips (if using both side pouches for that), for a total of 230 rounds that you can carry in a type 81 rig.

And the type 81 rifle was basically SKS internals on an AK body -- like the VZ, utilizing a short stroke rather than long stroke AK piston design.

*straps cross in back unlike these photos.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 11:08:25 PM by RSR »

Offline TJNewton

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 06:31:38 AM »
Thanks for the insights, RSR.  I ordered the type 81, and the 63 will again feed my SKS.  I can now give those hair ties back to my girlfriend.

Offline Brasky

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 07:09:26 PM »
+1 on the type 81 rig. $15 shipped from china and the quality beats most rigs that cost 3-4x that price

Offline RSR

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 09:40:01 PM »
Thanks for the insights, RSR.  I ordered the type 81, and the 63 will again feed my SKS.  I can now give those hair ties back to my girlfriend.

I'm sure she'll appreciate.  My wife hates when I re-purpose her stuff...

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 06:13:45 PM »
Interesting thread and great info.  No mention of the standard Czech mag carrier ? Can these be utilized at all in a tactical manner or are they too cumbersome to give up a mag? 

Btw, bullet end up or down?  Down for no dirt?

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

Offline RSR

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 10:50:08 PM »
Mags go top down.  The Czech pack is great, but it is made to be carried on a battle belt...  Battle belts are out of vogue these days as the Army, less so the Marines who are more foot-mobile, are almost entirely a motorized infantry force (part of the whys with the Army using the short carbine M4s as well as why they run chest rigs on their plate carriers rather than the more ergonomic battle belt setup)...

If you're curious about battle belts, I recommend reading through these -- more of an alice suspender belt setup lineage than a :

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2014, 09:01:54 AM »
Mags go top down.  The Czech pack is great, but it is made to be carried on a battle belt...  Battle belts are out of vogue these days as the Army, less so the Marines who are more foot-mobile, are almost entirely a motorized infantry force (part of the whys with the Army using the short carbine M4s as well as why they run chest rigs on their plate carriers rather than the more ergonomic battle belt setup)...

If you're curious about battle belts, I recommend reading through these -- more of an alice suspender belt setup lineage than a :

Thanks @RSR,  you are clearly well informed on numerous topics, and thankfully willing to share the knowledge, which is much appreciated.  Somewhere in my storage there is are some Chicom chest rigs and also a German fleck battle belt with a few attachments - never attempted to make use or test them to date.  There are also several vest/ plate carriers at my disposal which do see some limited use primarily for shoulder protection and mag storage when shooting semi-auto rifles that tend to take you for a ride at the range during rapid fire.

I will be taking a full day tactical rifle class this weekend from LEO instructors and they require either a vest with mag pouches or mag holders on the belt , either for both rifle and pistol.  They also recommended a leg drop pistol holster which I don't own.  The temp will be about 80+ with humidity and I'm not exactly in prime physical shape, so weight, heat and bulk are factors in consideration.  Since I am determined to operate the VZ for the class, I have to accommodate 3-4 banana mags and 3-4 pistol (9mm) mags.  My backup rifle uses AK mags.

So after several days of playing dress up and adjusting components, there are two configurations that will be with me for use.  1) a Condor plate carrier w/all plates removed with 4 mag single rifle mag pouches and 3 pistol mag pouches on the front/left side, leaving the right side cumber-bun clear and open for pistol draw from a belt holster. 2) a belt with the standard Czech mag pouch on the left side and mag holsters.  Not that I hope to obtain some sort of high speed operator abilities, I still want to be able to do mag changes smoothly and I just don't see how the Czech 4 mag pouch supports that.  The mags are too deep in the pouch - great for transport and storage, but not so great from rapid removal? I guess lots of practice and building muscle memory could help change that.

So are you utilizing a battle belt, as the links you posted referenced? Have you ever seen anyone successfully using the Czech mag pouch in training (for fast reloads)?  Your thoughts and experience would be valuable to me.

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

Offline TJNewton

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2014, 02:59:00 PM »
I just got the Type 81 chest rig in the mail and it's a perfect fit for the VZ.  A mag will fit into each of the four front pockets, and stripper clips into the side pockets.  I can also get two of my HK 15-round 9mm mags into each of the side pockets very comfortably.  Three will fit snugly, but may not be optimal for quick withdrawal.  The rig I got is brand new, and maybe with some break in it will easily accommodate three of the 9mm mags.  It sounds as though the Type 81 would work perfectly for your class. 

I do think that you can also make the Czech leather pouch will work well for you.  I'm a typically barrel-chested, assless white man, and the thought of running around with a mag pouch full of loaded magazines makes me laugh because I know that no matter how tightly I'd cinch my belt, that my pants would inevitably fall down.  Not a good proposition in a class seething with testosterone.  I made a shoulder strap for the Czech pouch from a broken gun sling and slung diagonally it works very well.  I added a quick-release buckle just because, and while the padding of the gun sling is nice, it's not absolutely necessary.  I made the shoulder strap from about a dollar's worth of parts from the local surplus store.  For your class, you could hang the Czech pouch on your belt, and keep your pants where they should be by supporting the pouch with the makeshift shoulder strap.  That said, I think that the Type 81 chest rig would probably work better. 

Good luck in your class.  An overview would be much appreciated.

Offline RSR

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2014, 02:00:56 PM »
With battle belts, you typically have your standard pants retention belt and then you carry your stuff on a separate belt that carries all your stuff.  Sometimes the duty belt attaches to your pants belt, but the MV option uses suspenders and moves the load down lower than your pants belt, top of hips, which is a more efficient for load carry distribution -- shoulders and hips means only about 1/2 of the weight is on your back...

Mag speed and protection are typically mutually exclusive.  Flap pouches provide the most protection for your mags and keep crap out.  A lot of 3 gun pouches only grab the bottom 3rd or so of the mags for maximum speed.  Google 3 gun setups and then just find an AK mag holder that will work for a similar setup... The modern military molle pouches really vary from flaps with velcro to open with bungies over the top...  All typically have some sort of over the top retention device with pouch on the bottom however. 

Here are a few links that might be of interest:

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2014, 11:55:58 AM »
Should add that there is no perfect or even ideal setup.  So long as you train with whatever you run, you'll be good to go. 

If I'm planning to wear for an extended time, the battle belt is my preference.

The AK chest rig I use in place of a bandolier or mag/possibles over the shoulder bag as a quick grab and go and compact/portable mag storage with the gun like in the truck.  An alternative would be a mag coupler I suppose so that you have at least 60 rounds on/in the rifle...

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2014, 06:04:33 PM »
During the Tactical Rifle course this past weekend I tried both the Condor plate carrier with rifle/pistol mag pouches, and then  the riggers belt with the Czech mag pouch and 2 Blackhawk! double pistol mag holders on either side.  There was also a mag dump pouch on the back which I switched I used with both configurations.  My Glock17 sidearm was on the right side pant belt in a Desantis leather speed holster, so nothing could be mounted on the right side in either configuration.

This is a report regarding my experience with the gear for anyone who is interested.  I did not have the Type 81 chest rig with me to test.

The Condor plate carrier was actually much more conducive to rapid VZ mag changes.   The carrier was configured with double AK "kangaroo pouch" on the front (with 2 pistol mag holders) and one AK kangaroo pouch on the left side cumberbun, and 2 more pistol mags on the front for 4 total.  One of the front AK pouches did tend to hang up the VZ mags repeatedly, so I quickly learned during multiple drills that it was a "force to overcome". The kangaroo pouches are designed so the Velcro flaps can be tucked down and fastened inside each individual mag holder enabling unobstructed grab access to the magazines.  The side mag pouches wobbled in and out to the side a bit while running even though the molle was super tight (I even had two extra Balckhawk! molle speed clips on the pouches for extra retention).

The biggest draw back for the carrier was it was black and pretty hot to operate in under the sun with zero shade, even with the ceramic plates removed from the front and back. We were training in a very sandy, dusty, rocky, quarry and I'm an older overweight guy (A.K.A. an old fat bastard) doing almost the most I can to keep up during these events. 

Another issue to learn and quickly overcome was that some of the VZ mags were slippery as hell -- making mag changes difficult due to fumbling with the slippery mag -- tactical gloves in use did not appear to solve this issue.  This is prompting me to start experiment with something like pieces of skateboard tape on the mags to improve the grip.

I switched to the riggers belt and Czech mag pouch after the morning break.  The rigger belt with the Czech mag pouch allowed for limited access at best.  I had no training or muscle memory banked for removing the mags by pulling (or rotating out) to the rear, and it was a constant battle getting the mags out (or in) the pouch because of its left side  rearward mag orientation, the flimsy leather dividers between each mag, the tight fir in the pouch, and partly due to the slippery mags.  To be clear: the pouch had to be located on the left side, because the right side had to be free and clear to draw my side arm, therefore the "banana" mags were angled out backwards in the pouch, making it very difficult to retrieve during both "empty mag" and "tactical mag" change out drills.   

"Tactical mag changes" are when you are taking cover during a lull in a fire fight and using that opportunity to change over to a full 30 round mag while stowing the removed mag, because that removed mag still has rounds in it.  Trying to stow the removed mag back in the Czech pouch in a short order was a complete joke to say the least -- they were either going into my dump pouch or my BDU pants pockets.  During "empty mag" drills we were politely instructed (ok, loudly ordered) to let the mags "hit the deck" (thus loading them up with lots of dry dirt and sand).

Nonetheless I muddled through without too much trouble and both configurations served to be adequate with repetition and good experience for thought and future modifications on balance.  The experience prompted more than a few thoughts on customizing some Czech pouches to make potentially them more usable.

Just speculating and looking at the type 81 chest rig design, it may have fared pretty well, with pistol mags on the pants belt.

Agreeing 100% with RSR, that you must train with WHATEVER you go with.  It makes no difference if you have, what you believe to be,  the "perfect set up",  there will be some quirks, some advantages, or that one pouch that hangs up a mag, or whatever -- and God forbid that you have to count on your rig to support you in a real firefight one day -- you had better know your all your equipment as well as you know your rifle and sights.

One final note about the course.  (Just between us girls ;) )  Surprise, surprise!  There was only one VZ58 (yours truly), one AK, and one FAL, the rest of the ~35 people where operating ARs.  Guess whose gun did NOT jam because our mags were filling up with dirt?, or had to be ordered to lubricate during the breaks?   One of the super SWAT Instructor's AR jammed all to hell and back with all the dirt and such, requiring him to take 3-4 minutes to clear it (while we watched).  So later they ran a drill in teams of 2 deliberately jamming weapons by holding the bolt forward with an empty mag.  Two of the instructors (one Cop, and a former operator in Afghanistan) took turns and tried repeatedly to jam my VZ during this  "clearing jams from your weapon" drill.  Try and try as they might they could not jam up my VZ.   ;)  I would just rack the slide, eject the spent casing and fire, while on each side of me were moans and groans from AR operators using fingers and Leatherman multi-tools to dig out multiple jammed 5.56 rounds from their "superior weapons".  I did pull a bore snake through the VZ barrel one time after I unintentionally buried the muzzle of my safely cleared weapon 6" into a pebble pile while collapsing to my knees during a bit of heat exhaustion following a run and gun drill.  I remained polite to all the AR owners, even after my weapon was referred to as an "AK" numerous times and thus scorned with the one "other" AK in the group.  I just chuckled to myself as the VZ ran flawlessly and accurately without any jams in that Martian environment all day long.  Gotta love it. Ha!   ;D

Taking a 1 or 2 day course like this once in a while -- with Police SWAT and/or Military instructors -- is great.  They should drive you to operate your equipment and firearms to full function and you will definitely discover any short comings plus many new things to practice.  IMO is the very best way to ferret out and help fix any gear or operator issues.


The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2014, 07:30:05 PM »
Type 56 Assault Rifle CR (also type 56 SKS for stripperr clips) is what the VietCong would have used with the VZ58 in Vietnam and fits AK mags, so should also VZ w/o modification:

Type 81 CR, which I have does fit VZ58 mags and has 4 mag pouches instead of 3.  The 2 side under pit pouches hold 40 rounds on stripper clips.  So that's 150 rounds in mags (1 in the rifle) and 80 on stripper clips (if using both side pouches for that), for a total of 230 rounds that you can carry in a type 81 rig.

Just an update.  I decided I wanted a type 56 just to have, from the link above.  It arrived today.  Unlike the type 81 it didn't arrive with the chemical preservative surplus smell, which was nice in a sense (the type 81 arrived like new from the link above, just a very strong chemical preservative smell).  Instead the type 56 arrived covered in mildew...  Just fyi.  I think it'll mostly wash out, but a little disappointing nonetheless -- and mildew degrades fabric regardless of whether it washes out...

EDIT: The Type 56 completely fell apart when washed on delicates...  One pocket has a tennis ball sized hole and one has a golf ball sized hole from the fabric completely falling apart.  Stick with type 81 unless you can inspect in person.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 08:23:36 PM by RSR »

Offline TJNewton

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2014, 09:35:59 PM »
This is a report regarding my experience with the gear for anyone who is interested. 

Great report.  Thanks very much!  Glad your VZ performed so well.

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Re: Improvised Chest Rig for VZ mags
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2014, 02:17:59 PM »
One final note about the course.  (Just between us girls ;) )  Surprise, surprise!  There was only one VZ58 (yours truly), one AK, and one FAL, the rest of the ~35 people where operating ARs.  Guess whose gun did NOT jam because our mags were filling up with dirt?, or had to be ordered to lubricate during the breaks?   One of the super SWAT Instructor's AR jammed all to hell and back with all the dirt and such, requiring him to take 3-4 minutes to clear it (while we watched).  So later they ran a drill in teams of 2 deliberately jamming weapons by holding the bolt forward with an empty mag.  Two of the instructors (one Cop, and a former operator in Afghanistan) took turns and tried repeatedly to jam my VZ during this  "clearing jams from your weapon" drill.  Try and try as they might they could not jam up my VZ.   ;)  I would just rack the slide, eject the spent casing and fire, while on each side of me were moans and groans from AR operators using fingers and Leatherman multi-tools to dig out multiple jammed 5.56 rounds from their "superior weapons".  I did pull a bore snake through the VZ barrel one time after I unintentionally buried the muzzle of my safely cleared weapon 6" into a pebble pile while collapsing to my knees during a bit of heat exhaustion following a run and gun drill.  I remained polite to all the AR owners, even after my weapon was referred to as an "AK" numerous times and thus scorned with the one "other" AK in the group.  I just chuckled to myself as the VZ ran flawlessly and accurately without any jams in that Martian environment all day long.  Gotta love it. Ha!   ;D
This is great!