Thanks for the report! Sounds like you had good times. I agree - AR-15 users are VERY snobbish towards anything that looks like an AK, whether it is or not.
I have the Blackhawk setup for my SA vz-58 magazines. I haven't used it...ever, but I have it. It waits with 8 vz-58 magazines and two pistol mags, for World War Z, I guess.

I should get a smaller one.
My Condor plate carrier from Ar-500 also holds SA vz-58 magazines, but only two in the AR pouch that came with it. Really have to stretch to get the flap over the top. I had a Blackhawk pouch for AK magazines, could NOT figure out how to use MOLLE on the thing. Gimme back my ALICE gear from the '80s... BTW, fully loaded with plates on, the Condor is about 16 pounds. Good workout for a fat old man.

The comment about slippery magazines is a good one - CGW, Bonesteel, you listening? Maybe some custom made add ons for mag changes like afore mentioned skaters tape?
Too bad MagPul doesn't make the mag puller for the vz-58 magazines.