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Offline jjminch

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Help a glock guy pick a clone
« on: July 06, 2014, 02:02:57 AM »
I've always wanted a CZ and now clones are around I'd like to add one to the safe. CZs always looked sexy, but it know absolutely nothing and it's a lot to digest.

Here is want I'm looking for:
-Full size or a "larger" compact with 4"+ barrel
- ability to change sights, prefer NS
- Light rail
- Ability to go SA or cocked and locked 1911 style
- Two tone or Blued finish
- Some parts compatibility with CZ
- Ease of finding mags
-Some CS or warranty
- on a lessor note, would be good if pistol was sold by Academy or somewhere I could check it out

This will probably be my only CZ, so I don't want to have any regrets on not getting everything. If you could point me to some makes and models, that would be great.

Offline Joe L

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2014, 06:49:36 AM »
Would you consider a modern polymer framed CZ gun?  If so, a P-07 might be worth a look.  It is a 4" barrel gun, fairly large.  I have a pair of P-09's (4.5" barrel full size but similar to P-07) that have been excellent.  These are less expensive than the all metal compacts. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline papershoot

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2014, 07:39:32 AM »
Tristar imports the metal Canik 55 pistols available now.  The P-120 is the only one with a light rail.  I own a S-120 and C-100 in black.  I bought both of them at Academy.
I have installed Meprolight night sights on both.  The C-100 required considerable filing before I could get the right fit.  The sights went in easily on the S-120.  Here is Tristar's website:
The C-100 and T-100 are compact models with a 3.7" barrel.  The others are full size with 4.7" barrels.  They all come in black or chrome Cerakote.  They all come only in 9mm, except the C-100 is available in .40 S&W.  You can carry them cocked and locked.  They have no decocker, but have a frame mounted safety.  There is some parts compatibility with CZ, on things like holsters, sights, and grips, but even these are not w/o issues.  The other parts may work, but most are different.  I have no problems with these Mec-Gar magazines sold by Greg Cotes.
He also sells the factory CZ magazines:
These may not work with the other CZ inspired brands like Tanfoglio and EEA/Sarsilmaz.
Personally, I would look at the P-120 which is inspired by the CZ SP-101. l am also drawn to the  EEA/Sarsilmaz K2 45:
The EEA/Sarsilmaz polymer guns are getting good reviews on this website. 
I have not dealt with any warranty or customer service issues with my Tristars, but they came with a 1 year warranty.  Many particulars such a sight installation, all sorts of modifications, and reviews for various clone models have been discussed on this forum, which probably your best source for this information. 

Offline Joe L

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2014, 07:53:54 AM »
There's your answers!  Thanks, Papershoot. 
CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline 10mmdude

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2014, 08:20:37 AM »
Paper shooter has the most valuable answer I will give you an abridged with my experience

You will never get the CS with the clones, EAA and tristar are horid, like almost comical.. So u will get a good laugh lol

Good thing is these guns are pretty stout and "mostly" problem free (my experience) if ur not nit picking u will stay off the phone with them

You can go wrong with a p120 or a witness full size steel maybe even and elite!
Engulf urself in the cz clone world and I promise there will not be only one in ur safe lol

Also chck out SAR, the k2 45 is and might be the best deal out there right now along with the p120

Offline Joe L

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2014, 08:42:40 AM »
10mmdude--I bet you meant "You can't go wrong..."
CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2014, 09:48:04 AM »
I've always wanted a CZ and now clones .......

This will probably be my only CZ, so I don't want to have any regrets on not getting everything. If you could point me to some makes and models, that would be great.

If you want a CZ get a CZ. The other are nice but they are what they are; copies of the real thing. By definition if you buy a clone it will not be a CZ.
CZ Fanbot since 1996

Offline 10mmdude

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2014, 09:49:02 AM »
10mmdude--I bet you meant "You can't go wrong..."

I very much so meant CANT!!

Cracked screen, one handed, busy baby in other hand.. That is the least if my typos lmao

Offline ThompsonCustom

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2014, 09:57:26 AM »
I've always wanted a CZ and now clones .......

This will probably be my only CZ, so I don't want to have any regrets on not getting everything. If you could point me to some makes and models, that would be great.

If you want a CZ get a CZ. The other are nice but they are what they are; copies of the real thing. By definition if you buy a clone it will not be a CZ.

I agree, being a glock guy would you buy a Glock clone or the real thing? Not that the clones don't work fine I just like the originals Current Deals:
Faxon 16" Pencil Barrel $148
21% off all magpul products code: "magpul"

Offline jjminch

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2014, 11:14:27 AM »
Wow, thanks for all the helpful replies. As far as getting a clone over a real CZ, right now I'm looking at it as a platform, like a 1911 or a Makarov. I picked up both of those just to try them out. A clone is an affordable way to try out the CZs.

That .45 looks tempting, wasn't aware those were even an option. I'm mostly a 9mm shooter. For a CZ style, I'm leaning towards wanting to start with a steel or alloy frame in 9mm.

Right now it's down to the P120 or the Stingray.  I like the weight of the T120, but that angled dust cover isn't my thing. I haven't checked out the witness line yet so maybe that will change.

Offline 10mmdude

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2014, 12:50:32 PM »
Wow, thanks for all the helpful replies. As far as getting a clone over a real CZ, right now I'm looking at it as a platform, like a 1911 or a Makarov. I picked up both of those just to try them out. A clone is an affordable way to try out the CZs.

That .45 looks tempting, wasn't aware those were even an option. I'm mostly a 9mm shooter. For a CZ style, I'm leaning towards wanting to start with a steel or alloy frame in 9mm.

Right now it's down to the P120 or the Stingray.  I like the weight of the T120, but that angled dust cover isn't my thing. I haven't checked out the witness line yet so maybe that will change.

The p120 is a great starter! Most cz parts fit it or can fit it with minor tweaking!
I have a p120 $385, plus $85 thin grips (need fitting on the frame) plus about $38 in little spring and pins and SA trigger and this thing is amazing!!

One if the best triggers I own!

Offline jwc007

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2014, 06:16:49 PM »
The P-120 is on my "wishlist", so I think you can't go wrong with one!

As for myself, I've gotten great service out of my Tanfoglio based Cz Clones and I prefer the original Tanfoglio small frame for the 9mm, as they will use Cz75B magazines.

Armscore/Tanfoglio MAP1 Full Size and Mid Size 9mm Pistols with Pachmayr Cz75 Grips and Mec-Gar AFC Cz75 17 round Magazines

Now in .45 ACP, the standard Witness and SAR K2-45 are excellent choices!

From Left to Right
EAA Witness .45 (1992)
EAA Witness .45 (2004)
SAR K2-45 (2013)
"Easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by ego." - Yoda

For all of those killed by a 9mm: "Get up! You are not dead! You were shot with a useless cartridge!"

Offline Storz

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2014, 08:20:01 AM »
I was a long time Glock guy until I shot a CZ/Witness for the first time. I am picking up a P120 today  8)

Offline Genin

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2014, 08:33:54 AM »
I highly recommend the Stingray since it is an all STEEL version of the CZ P-01. The P-01 is a great firearm and the Stingray is a fantastic clone, with the advantage over the P-01 in that it is all steel. I searched and search trying to find if CZ made an all steel P-01 and sure enough they didn't. Those searches kept bringing up the Stingray-C and I ended up finding one local (pure luck). I love my Stingray-C and don't feel the need to have a P-01. I've shot P-01s, P-02s, and my Stingray-C. I don't see a single advantage to the P-01 over the Stingray except more aftermarket accessories. This is just my experience and my .02. Take it for what it's worth.

Side note, some of these Caniks come with some free bore so don't wig out when you look at the barrel for the first time (like I did).

Offline jjminch

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Re: Help a glock guy pick a clone
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2014, 12:24:52 PM »
Some nice looking pistols for sure.

Right now I'm trying to see if any LGS stocks the p-120 and stingray. I normally prefer a compact for carry, but this will probably be a range toy or nightstand gun based on the weight, and the fact I'm more familiar with the Glock.

Since they're hefty, I'm leaning towards the p-120 since I'd rather get the longer barrel and sight radius. On the other hand, compacts usually balance better and I have medium sized hands. Also I believe it's easier to get replacement sights for the p-120, but could be wrong on that account.

What's free bore?  Some kind of coating or grease?