Author Topic: I called Tristar about ordering parts!  (Read 6846 times)

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Offline DexterGSP

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2014, 09:56:40 PM »
I spoke to Garrett today about the email I sent him regarding the two questions.  He said that he has forwarded the email to Cary (gunsmith) and to Canik in Turkey.  Apparently the Canik rep did not understand the question on whether the parts are case hardened or hardened throughout.  I doubt we will ever know the answer to this.

By the way, Garrett is in sales, Dallas is the parts guy, and Cary is the gunsmith/armorer.
The other question is the one asking if they will sell parts to a non-Tristar imported pistol.  There are other Canik pistols imported prior to Tristar getting involved.  Garrett said that they would absolutely NOT sell parts to a pistol they did not import.

Garrett explained in greater detail about their policy on selling gun parts.  He admitted there are so many changes to the design and dimensions of parts throughout a production run that some parts will no longer fit some guns.  Therefore, they want the firearm to come in for warranty repairs. He went on to say that Tristar will make a mid-production change to a part without even notifying them.  That?s scary!!!

I asked him about the fact that a lot of their pistols shoot too far off from the point of aim.  He said that he had not received that many complaints about the issue.  They may look at it down the road, but it?s not on their radar right now.

I did criticize Canik for trying to reinvent the wheel.  I asked him why not just copy what CZ already made.  He agreed with me and had no idea why Canik went the route they did.  I told him at this point I felt like giving up on Canik and continue to buy CZ pistols.  He stated that their customer base is different from CZ?s customer base.  Their customer base is not as knowledgeable about firearms and has a limited budget (this is me paraphrasing). He also agreed with me that some of us forum guys (terry mc) have a lot more knowledge about these guns than anyone at Tristar does.  I believe their gunsmith is not a true gunsmith in terms of modifying and customizing these pistols.  I believe he is more of an armorer (parts changer).

When I sent the original email to him I included a copy of this link.  He has not looked at this thread at this time.  To be frank, I?m not sure if he really cares. 
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 02:04:14 AM by DexterGSP »
AZCDL and GOA Member

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2014, 01:50:51 AM »
Great post! I had a somewhat similar lackluster discussion with Tristar back when I was having issues with their T-120.

Needless to say, I have since sold the T120 and moved to the P120 and S120. Both have been flawless so far (knock on wood). Perhaps the reason they can't make 1:1 copies of the CZ's is for legal reasons? IDK, but my P120 is pretty nice.

It's especially nice since I having it worked on by Dave at Cajun Gun Works. I can't believe how amazing the trigger is. Who needs the HK VP9 when I have this amazing pistol.

But I wish the beavertail was more in line with the CZ line and shipped with better sights. Never the less, for less than $400, I have a better pistol with the trigger job than pistols double the price.

My only real beef is with the lack of sights for the CZ\Tristar line. I LOVE my Ameriglo i-dot sights on my M&P. Wish there were more aftermarket sights for the pistol line.

Offline DexterGSP

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2014, 02:01:24 AM »
I've heard from several sources that there are no patents on the CZ design or if there were they ran out a long time ago.  Sorta like why we see all of the different companies producing 1911 pistols.  No one has ever been able to give me a good reason why they can't 100% clone a CZ.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 02:21:46 AM by DexterGSP »
AZCDL and GOA Member

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2014, 02:22:20 AM »
By the way, most, not all, of the Canik pistols share the same rear sight dovetail dimensions as the CZ's.  I already swapped out the C100 rear sight for a #4 CZ rear sight.
AZCDL and GOA Member

Offline 10mmdude

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2014, 08:28:56 AM »
I am beyond aggravated dealing with them, I feel like I'm talking to a wall!
We are too spoiled by CZ, tristar just dosnt get what we are use too... I tried to explain to them nicely that if they want to last they better get their act together!

Offline Farmerbob

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2014, 08:12:08 AM »
Thanks for your efforts getting an answer to my non-Tristar parts question. Kind of leaves us pre-Tristar owners hanging, doesn't it. I suppose that one solution might be to use a Tristar serial number when ordering parts. But if he is right about the numerous production changes, who knows what parts will, or will not fit?

Offline J57ltr

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2014, 08:28:17 PM »

I spoke with Dallas yesterday about my sight issue. I am not sure he is a gunsmith, although he is knowledgable. I spoke with him about different sights and at the time they only had the replacement sight, but when we spoke yesterday he mentioned that they had new rear sights and that they were different size, so there was some modification that needed to happen to make them fit. I didn't understand if he was referring to the front or rear and I didn't think of calling until just before I was boarding a plane home so I was having a hard time hearing. I would like to get parts as well, but I had a feeling that they are doing running changes. If they are then Canik should have the proper documentation to tell which serial numbers have which parts  or so much for Testing and ISO 9000.


The Accuracy Test is a process to test the accuracy of the pistol in 25 meters.

How to perform the test;
The pistol attaches to a fixture to prevent any recoil.
The target sets to 25 meters from the muzzle of the pistol.
10 shots done with the pistol and it should group in a 16 cm diameter circle on the target.
The pistol that groups 10 shots in 16 cm diameter, pass the test.

$100 says mine will group that well but not at POA even from a ransom rest.

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATION (Auditing Establishment: Turkish  Standards Institution):

Turkish Standards Institution certifies with this certification that, Samsun Yurt Savunma Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S establishment has a QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in accordance with the TS EN ISO 9001:2000 requirements.

INDUSTRIAL QUALITY ASSURANCE RATING CERTIFICATION (Auditing Establishment: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Defense):

It is certified that your establishment?s quality assurance system described in July 20, 2005 dated and KEK.01 02 numbered handbook is in accordance with the AQAP-2120 requirements for the products and/or services specified below.                 

?Canik55 Brand Handgun Production?     

If all else fails I know a few people that speak Farsi and can probably get them to translate.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 08:30:05 PM by J57ltr »

Offline DexterGSP

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Re: I called Tristar about ordering parts!
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2014, 08:56:56 PM »
Dallas is the parts guy and Cary is their gunsmith, so says Garrett (sales guy).

I've been to the Canik website were they brag about their quality assurance.  I'm starting to see a lot of issues with Canik pistols, at least with their finish and sights.

"I spoke with him about different sights and at the time they only had the replacement sight, but when we spoke yesterday he mentioned that they had new rear sights and that they were different size, so there was some modification that needed to happen to make them fit."

Depending how wide the new sights are you may need to re-machine the dovetail.  I think an easy and cheap solution is to use CZ rear sights if they fit.

By the way, I just sold my Canik Stingray-C for $330 today.  I do like my C100.  It's just about the perfect size and weight for carrying CCW.  However, if something goes south on the C100 I'll sell it and stick with CZ pistols.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 09:04:36 PM by DexterGSP »
AZCDL and GOA Member