I shot this yesterday, but I'm not gonna bother posting up the pictures. I shot an 82 on my target for scoring. I did shoot an 88 or 89 on a practice target, but that also had 10 other shots on it, so no good for scoring.
I was very frustrated with my shooting yesterday. Actually, more so frustrated with my vision. I just cant seem to be able to focus on the front sight, and get a consistent sight picture. I wear "multi-focal" smooth transition lenses, and when I have a comfortable cheek-weld, the front sight is blurry. I can't really move my head into a position so that the front sight is in focus. Also, the target at 50 yards is just so much out of focus that I am sure that I am not getting a consistent aiming point. The target seems to "flatten out" (some sort of optical illusion, if you know what I mean), and I am all over the place with my shots. No real grouping.
I bought this 452 UL because I like to shoot with open-sights, but I am wondering if I should face the facts, and opt for a scope. But then, is the 452 UL the right rifle to be scoped? Or is there a better CZ rifle for a scope? Or is there something that can be done about my eyes and glasses. I don't know, all I know is that I wasn't real happy yesterday, but I don't know what to do about it. UGH!