Author Topic: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)  (Read 13111 times)

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2014, 07:18:00 PM »
And, above all....if in doubt, empty the magazine!
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Offline clance

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #46 on: August 02, 2014, 12:18:02 PM »
Of mine, I personally prefer to carry the BD Police for its' streamline profile like the standard CZ 75 which is thinner then the Phantom.  While the Phantom is approximately 7 ounces lighter, I just like the feel of the BD's weight in my hand which also eliminates the PCR. 

Now if I was looking at a "World War Z" scenario, I would be carrying 3 of them, they would be the Phantom with light/laser, the BD Police and the PCR.  You might ask why but the reasoning is quite simple.  It's quicker and less likely for problems to bring a weapon into action then fumbling for a reload.  Reload when you have time and are behind cover.

Second if you noticed all three are basically the same other then weight.   So familiarity of how the weapons functions eliminates possible confusion during stressful situations.

Third they all can use the same magazines and finally if necessary a malfunctioning weapon can be strip for parts to keep the other two going...

Just my opinion on the subject.   8)

From Left to Right:
SP-01 Phantom
BD Police
Pre-B CZ 75

Offline plumber4444

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #47 on: August 03, 2014, 12:32:23 AM »
Assuming you'd be carrying only 3 handguns.  If I were to burden myself down with multiple weapons, then they would all be diff for diff puproses.  Handgun, Ar and a shotgun.  A back up is a backup, and as long as you have another weapon to shoot, you'd be good to go.  I think in writing this question and listening, I'm leaning towards the full size, as I think I answered my own question when I factored in long range shooting.  There MIGHT just be a reason I'd need to take a long shot with a handgun, and if so, the CZ75 would have the edge....though I JUST can't seem to ignore that bothersome NATO rating...

Offline GRB5111

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #48 on: August 03, 2014, 01:37:21 PM »
Assuming you'd be carrying only 3 handguns.  If I were to burden myself down with multiple weapons, then they would all be diff for diff puproses.  Handgun, Ar and a shotgun.  A back up is a backup, and as long as you have another weapon to shoot, you'd be good to go.  I think in writing this question and listening, I'm leaning towards the full size, as I think I answered my own question when I factored in long range shooting.  There MIGHT just be a reason I'd need to take a long shot with a handgun, and if so, the CZ75 would have the edge....though I JUST can't seem to ignore that bothersome NATO rating...
Agree, this makes the situation completely different, as I too would have an AR, a full-sized, high-capacity pistol in a P-09, and a BUG in same caliber like an M&P Shield or the P-01/ PCR. However, this isn't addressing the posted question.

The original question:
But back to my question, if I had to grab ONE gun and go, all things being equal to shooting them all with the same proficiency, which one is more likely not to jam, break, bust or go bump in the night???
In this case with ONE gun, I'd grab my P-01 with extra mags, as I find it the most comfortable and natural pistol in my collection. Truth be told, I was initially impressed by the NATO compliance testing that CZ put the P-01 through to prove it was dependable. That is a good part of the reason I became interested in the P-01 and factored into my decision to purchase it. I was also looking at the PCR as well.

However, in my hands, the P-01 has such a natural POA and is so well balanced that it gives me complete confidence in this pistol for use in self defense and even as my BUG for IDPA. It's nice to know that CZ put it through the NATO compliance testing, but the true test for me is that I want it in my hands when the SHTF.

P4444: I know you have had a different opinion of the P-01 since you first took possession of it. That's understandable as no two people adapt to a firearm the same way.
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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2014, 01:01:48 AM »
I wanted to respond, but in the end, I just wasn't brave enough. 
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Offline plumber4444

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #50 on: August 12, 2014, 05:52:20 PM »
I wanted to respond, but in the end, I just wasn't brave enough.

Well the BRAVE part was mostly to say that some would not want to be honest enough to risk an argument breaking out.  Meaning that for one group to say the full size is superior, means to another, that THEIR CZ was inferior....

So I feared members would not want to be honest and say "I think the CZ75 is a crappy gun and will break the first month into battle"

None of that happened, so I guess I can change the title now :)  I am a member of other gun forums and I mean the SECOND you say ANYTHING that can even come close to an opening for an argument to take place (Ar15 Forum is the WORSE for that) all voices come out of the woodwork and start bashing everyone...

P4444: I know you have had a different opinion of the P-01 since you first took possession of it. That's understandable as no two people adapt to a firearm the same way.

Yep.  Actually, quite an amazing transformation.  Buying online is a new thing to me.  Always felt it and held it and then bought it.  Buying blindly has become a habit with CZ's cuz NO ONE STOCKS the little boogers!!!  Thus, I just don't bother looking anymore.  And if you're lucky enough to find one, you find ONE, not many in diff models to choose from. So it did grow on me and then more and then more :)

All said and done, for me, the compact wins hands down, but only for hand fit.  Functioning and accuracy, they are all dead on out of the box.  What prompted my only last question to know, which one wins the reliability award?

Offline GRB5111

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2014, 01:23:31 AM »
What prompted my only last question to know, which one wins the reliability award?
I guess one reason you'd ask this is due to the NATO testing of the P-01. Reliability has much to do with one's confidence in a pistol that from having shot it so much, you know it will go "bang" each and every time. The testing process CZ used on the P-01 for NATO compliance was impressive. That being said, I have confidence in all my CZs, and only slightly favor my P-01 because it fits me great and handles great when I shoot it. I favor the P-01 for the same reason you favor the compact. Hmmmm, think I need to shoot a compact . . . .
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Offline kp0351

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2014, 03:52:15 AM »
Well, it is painful to admit, but I would probably grab my glock 17.  But out of all my CZ's which would I prefer to take, I haven't seen it mentioned much in this thread, but probably my P09 Duty.  Little bit lighter and 19 round mags.  But everyone I train with carries glocks.  And if SHTF I would be linking up with them, so we would all be running the same mags, and we all have spare parts.  But a fortunate thing, I would be outfitting my family, so even if I wasn't grabbing my CZ out of the safe to take with me, they would still be coming along on the hips of the family.  But like mentioned above, AR for 99% of anything that I would come across, and then for ease of use glock 17.  But if it was just as easy to get parts for a CZ, I would like to have my P09
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Alpha Sierra

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2014, 07:14:35 AM »
Now, with that said, if a crisis happens, a SHTF big time break down, all out war kind of thing, I am going to have a choice as to which gun I will carry personally.  I know, I know, everyone is going to say whichever gun YOU shoot better with.  Now let's overlook that for the moment.  Let's assume I can shoot them ALL equally well, which I can and do. Which should I choose based solely on likeliness to fail?
In your scenario, my choice of firearm is easy: AR-15 carbine with six to eight 30 round magazines on me.

Backup sidearm would have to be my P-07.  My 75BD needs some upgrades/maintenance items for me to be 100% trusting of it.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 07:16:38 AM by Alpha Sierra »

Offline PsyopsE6

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2014, 01:33:37 PM »
Put em all in a bag and head to the nearest gun shop and either trade or steal for a 1911 in 45ACP, hunt up an old "tanker shoulder" grab  extra mags, and your FN FAL (u do have one right?), your bug out bag and head to the tree line.  Oh yeah your ready for the "balloon" to go up.

Offline gdawgs56

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #55 on: November 01, 2014, 05:05:25 PM »
Depending on what kind of crap happens, if I have an extra minute I would grab all firearms and essentials and head to the mountains.

SP01 Tactical. Heavy, but with a good holster and belt it's comfortable and then I have the benefits of an all steel pistol.
CZ75 SP-01 Tactical Custom 9mm
MP 9mm 2.0
Glock 19

Offline Smitty79

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #56 on: November 01, 2014, 05:19:13 PM »
AR with red dot in my hand.  G19 with night sights on my hip.   I don't have a CZ set up as a fighting gun.   That will probably change next year.   A Glock might still be the way to go as my CZ won't shoot some long loaded ammo.     You never know what you will need/find and a Glock will shoot anything I can get in the magazine.   Did I mention, 12 gauge in the trunk?
Don't mistake my high post count for knowledge or wisdom.   I just like hearing myself type.

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2014, 11:53:40 AM »
Very interesting that most will grab an AR for their rifle. I'm a huge proponent of the AK as the ultimate bug out rifle. Much easier to clean and maintain (if you WANTED to -- they'll go all day without all that pampering). Plus the power factor!

I'll give the AR points for accuracy, but in a SHTF scenario, practical accuracy will be equal. Also, the AR is lighter in stock form, but as most people seem to deck them out, the weight is probably closer than most think. Did I mention the reliability of the AK?

Actually, I'm just getting my Steyr AUG up and running. After a few range sessions and testing with her, she might be my ONE rifle.

Alpha Sierra

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2014, 01:23:31 PM »
Very interesting that most will grab an AR for their rifle. I'm a huge proponent of the AK as the ultimate bug out rifle. Much easier to clean and maintain (if you WANTED to -- they'll go all day without all that pampering). Plus the power factor!
It's pretty obvious that you don't know how reliable an AR made by a top tier (not Bushmaster/Windham/Rock River/etc) manufacturer is.

I have a LMT carbine.  Pretty basic.  It's been through a carbine class where it ate 800 rounds a day for two days with no cleaning.  A few drops of oil into the bolt carrier group at the end of day for insurance is all I did to it.  Not sure if I even needed to do that.

AR's unreliability is limited to two kinds of people
1) those who buy junk rifles from companies that do not follow the USG TDP (technical data package)
2) Those who insist on running them bone dry

As for stopping power, 5.56 will drop someone with center of mass hits every time.

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: OK. Serious question for those brave enough to answer :)
« Reply #59 on: November 02, 2014, 01:24:01 PM »
Very interesting that most will grab an AR for their rifle. I'm a huge proponent of the AK as the ultimate bug out rifle. Much easier to clean and maintain (if you WANTED to -- they'll go all day without all that pampering). Plus the power factor!

I'll give the AR points for accuracy, but in a SHTF scenario, practical accuracy will be equal. Also, the AR is lighter in stock form, but as most people seem to deck them out, the weight is probably closer than most think. Did I mention the reliability of the AK?

Actually, I'm just getting my Steyr AUG up and running. After a few range sessions and testing with her, she might be my ONE rifle.

Not everyone's AR is chambered in a varmint round!  ;)

Also, this isn't the 1960's anymore.  We are living in the days of the reliable AR15, just like we are living in the days of the reliable semi-auto handgun.  I've seen failures with AR's...but I've also seen failures with AK's.  No platform is perfect, but both are more than reliable enough for the task at hand.